Blocka Granzyme B och få ung hy

published Dec 17, 2014 09:25   by admin ( last modified Dec 17, 2014 09:25 )

Forskarna letade egentligen efter något som håller blodkärl unga men de hittade något som verkar hålla huden ung: Att blockera ett enzym som kallas Gramzyme B på engelska. Labbråttor behöll en ungdomlig hud även efter simulering av solljusbelastning.


“We have generated natural and synthetic inhibitors of this enzyme, and one can easily see the application for this after excessive sun exposure ... or in other cosmetics as well,” he said. “That’s obviously the first thing that comes to mind.”

Read more: Link - 'One of those moments that we live for in science': UBC researchers may have stumbled upon the secret to youthful skin