A good slogan for India

published Oct 26, 2006 09:52   by admin ( last modified Oct 26, 2006 09:52 )
India wants the world to see it as it sees itself - Asia - Pacific - International Herald Tribune
Copywriters at the headquarters of a campaign to rebrand India have been agonizing over a slogan to sum up their revamped product. First they tried: "15 years, six governments, five prime ministers, one direction, eight percent GDP growth," which provided plenty of information about economic progress but hardly tripped off the tongue. Then they hit on "India: Fastest- growing free market democracy" - which was still not very catchy, but did at least mark a clear break with notions of a country of elephants, spirituality and exotic mysticism.

I have a better slogan for India. It is short, catchy, and it describes both the opportunities of the new India and it's present diversity and cultural heritage:

India. Rich.