"Steve Jobs signerade fifflat optionskontrakt"

published Feb 09, 2007 08:41   by admin ( last modified Feb 09, 2007 08:41 )
Enligt Wall Street Journal så har Steve Jobs blivit indragen i härvan av fifflade optionsprogram. Det är ju mycket illa om det är sant, vi vill ju inte ha Jobs i kurran. Men lagen ska ju gälla för alla. Hoppas dock att fler detaljer kommer fram som sätter honom i ett bättre läge.
The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that Jobs approved a March 2001 employment contract with "Toy Story" director John Lasseter that granted Lasseter Pixar stock options priced in December 2000, three months before the contract was signed and when the stock price was at its lowest level of the year. Although the Journal reports it is not clear whether Jobs picked the December stock options pricing date, his signature, on behalf of Pixar, is on Lasseter's contract.

Läs mer: ITworld.com - Report: Apple's Jobs backdated Pixar options