Saudiarabien lär ut hat mot icke-muslimer

published Feb 10, 2007 11:43   by admin ( last modified Feb 10, 2007 11:43 )
Läroböcker från det saudiska utbildningsministeriet innehåller material enligt följande:

# Condemn and denigrate the majority of Sunni Muslims who do not follow the Wahhabi understanding of Islam, and call them deviants and descendants of polytheists.
# Condemn and denigrate Shiite and Sufi Muslims' beliefs and practices as heretical and call them "polytheists;"
# Command Muslims to "hate" Christians, Jews, "polytheists" and other "unbelievers," including non-Wahhabi Muslims, though, incongruously, not to treat them "unjustly";
# Teach the infamous forgeries, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, as historical fact;
# Teach other conspiracy theories accusing Freemasons, Lions Clubs and Rotary Clubs of plotting to undermine Muslims;
# Teach that "Jews and the Christians are enemies of the [Muslim] believers" and that "the clash" between the two realms is perpetual; # Instruct students not to "greet," "befriend," "imitate," "show loyalty to," "be courteous to," or "respect" non-believers;
# Assert that the spread of Islam through jihad is a "religious duty;"
# Instruct that "fighting between Muslims and Jews" will continue until Judgment Day, and that the Muslims are promised victory over the Jews in the end; # Include a map of the Middle East that labels Israel within its pre-1967 borders as "Palestine: occupied 1948."

Läs mer: Special Report