Patogener har kopierat spermiers "Carte Blanche" kolhydratskod

published Dec 15, 2007 12:06   by admin ( last modified Dec 15, 2007 12:06 )
Det kan finnas en orsak till att det är svårt att vaccinera mot vissa virus (HIV), vissa cancerformer och vissa bakterier (Helicobacter Pylori). Bakterier, virus och vissa typer av cancer har lyckats duplicera den kolhydratsekvens som spermier använder för att stänga av värdens immunförsvar.

Men den koden skulle ju vara hemlig?

“It’s our major Achilles heel,” Clark said. “Reproduction is required for the survival of our species. Therefore we are ‘hard-wired’ to protect our sperm and eggs as well as our unborn babies from any type of immune response. Unfortunately, our results suggest that many pathogens and tumor cells also have integrated themselves into this protective system, thus enabling them to resist the human immune response.”

Läs mer: New study suggests why vaccines directed against cancer, HIV don't work | Science Blog