Reader's Digest illustrates a text of foreign diplomats' misconduct with the flag of ... Finland?

published Dec 24, 2008 12:13   by admin ( last modified Dec 24, 2008 12:13 )

In all countries with embassies, there are stories about diplomats misbehaving. Reader's Digest has written an article - promptly linked to from the front page of Digg, where they criticize the immunity of Diplomats. Leaving that aside, they chose to illustrate the article with a photo of a house carrying the flag of ...Finland???

Above is a miniature of the picture on the Reader's Digest site. The caption reads:

"Unpaid bills, drunk driving, sex crimes and even slavery -- isn't there any recourse for this conduct?"

None of the examples of misconduct that they list has the slightest bearing on Finland. Obviously somebody at Reader's Digest has decided that any flag that is not stars and stripes will do.

In my country, Sweden, the papers occasionally publish lists of misconduct by foreign diplomats, sorted by country. I do not remember Finland being very high up on that list. The bad apples tend to be from countries rife with cronyism and no oversight, not from mature democracies. The whole Reader's Digest article smells of sloppyness, and I was surprised when I realised it was on the site of Reader's Digest, a publication I have fond memories of from when I was a child.

Läs mer: Diplomatic Immunity Going Too Far: Diplomatic Impunity | Michael Crowley | Reader's Digest