Ett alternativt sätt att sluta dricka

published Oct 07, 2011 12:31   by admin ( last modified Oct 07, 2011 12:31 )

Kan alkoholister sluta dricka genom att läsa en bok som får dem att helt enkelt inte vilja dricka mer, och vara nöjda med det? Allen Carr menar det, och en hel del som läst hans bok håller med:

I am not entirely sure why or how this works. I am entirely more unsure of why you don't hear about Allen Carr's method more often. I am a bit blown away. A few chapters thru this book and I just stopped. Just like that. I have an entire fridge full of Sam Adams and a few bottles of wine, too. No more wine tasting - nothing. BIZARRE.

Läs mer: Customer Reviews: The Easy Way to Stop Drinking