Making a python 2.4 virtualenv buildout on Ubuntu 10.4 & Debian 7 as of 2014-03

published Mar 16, 2014 11:20   by admin ( last modified Mar 18, 2014 01:05 )

It gets harder and harder to install a python 2.4 buildout on Ubuntu and Debian. Basically, the different scripts involved will try to execute code that is not compatible with python 2.4 at every step of the way. I need python 2.4 for some old Plone 2.5 sites. Here is what I did to get it running this time, tested both on Ubuntu 10.4 and Debian 7:

Use a separate virtualenv script, so do not rely on the one installed in the system which is made for another python version. Instead download a standalone script of some vintage:

wget --no-check-certificate

Setup the virtual environment like so:

python2.4 .

It will crash when trying to install setuptools, but by then it has installed python.

Now you should have a working python.

Time to install a setuptools that actually works. Version 1.4.2 works (somewhat selected at random, you can try newer ones if you like). That version is not linked from the page, but with some detective work it can be found at:

Download and unpack it and install it in the old-fashioned way:

./bin/python setuptools-1.4.2/ install

Time to install easy_install. Download the script from:

Then install easy_install with:


Time to install zc.buildout:

./bin/easy_install zc.buildout==1.4.4

In your buildout.cfg file, you must also pin setuptools to the version you have installed. Otherwise, you guessed it, zc.buildout will download and fail to run a newer incompatible version of setuptools:


setuptools = 1.4.2

And there you go:
