Pystone benchmark comparison, Raspberry pi B+ WD My Cloud & my computers

published Apr 26, 2015 08:25   by admin ( last modified Aug 28, 2015 02:26 )

Old HP server featuring last Dual Pentium (architecture wise actually the first Core 2 duo):

This machine benchmarks at 57471.3 pystones/second


Laptop with i5-4200u 1.6GHz with turbo to 2.6GHz (no idea if it it turbo'd):

This machine benchmarks at 185771 pystones/second

WD My Cloud 4GB, running Debian 7:

This machine benchmarks at 10869.6 pystones/second

Raspberry pi B+:

This machine benchmarks at 3831.42 pystones/second

So in this particular benchmark, my laptop is about 3 times as fast as my old server. And the Pi is about 15 times slower than my server and 48 times slower than my laptop.

The WD My Cloud is 2-3 times faster than the Raspberry Pi B+, 6 times slower than the server and 18 times slower than my laptop.

Update: I just upgraded my laptop from Ubuntu 14.04 to 15.05, and now it does around 207'000 pystones/second:

This machine benchmarks at 207550 pystones/second

That is about a 10% improvement.  Either it is turboing, or something is more efficient in Ubuntu 15.04. Oh, I just remembered that it is now switched to 64-bit from 32-bit Ubuntu. Might be that, then.