The regtest generate command gone if --disable-wallet is set

published Jul 19, 2015 05:45   by admin ( last modified Jul 23, 2015 03:17 )

If you compile bitcoind version 0.11.0 with the --disable-wallet flag set, certain commands go missing. That is only natural since commands that need a wallet won't work without one.

Curiosly enough the "generate" command in regtest mode, a command that lets you build up on the number of blocks you pretend that you've mined, also disappears.

Well now as I am writing this I realised that it may not be so strange at all. It has to do with that the mining fees need to be paid to an address, and without a wallet, no address. However a bitcoind server in regtest mode can still be a part of a bitcoin network, so one wouldn't necessarily have the the wallet on the server doing the mining.

Well, now I have some 15'000 bitcoins. Not real ones unfortunately.