Toxoplasma gondii ändrar mänskligt beteende?
På slashdot är det en diskussion just nu om parasiter som ändrar sin värds beteende. Några länkar om toxoplasma finns där:
Can a parasite carried by cats change your personality? (The Guardian)
women "spent more money on clothes and were consistently rated as more
attractive", but were "less trustworthy and had more relationships with
men". The men become "less well groomed undesirable loners who were
more willing to fight". All "are at greater risk of being involved in
car accidents". Why? Something has its tentacles in their brains. They
probably got it from that cuddly old species, the domestic cat, which
the parasite infects by making infected rats "almost taunt" the cats
into eating them.
Can a parasite carried by cats change your personality? (The Guardian)