A standing joke on slashdot

published Sep 27, 2005 11:01   by admin ( last modified Sep 27, 2005 11:01 )
One of the standing jokes on slashdot is that the audience of slashdot is:

  • male
  • has never met a woman in real life

So when a story about a solar powered hand bag turns up, the jokes are obvious:

Re:Uh huh...

(Score:5, Funny)
by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 26, @18:41 (#13651524)
You know women ? You must be new to slashdot.


(Score:5, Funny)
by Joe Random (777564) Alter Relationship on Monday September 26, @18:46 (#13651585)
This will be great for all those female slashdo...
I mean, it'll be a great gift for some slashdotter's girlfr...
Why is this article here, again?