Barn under 3 utvecklas bäst med mamma
Enligt en stor undersökning i Storbritannien så bör barn under tre tas om hand hemma av sin mamma. Citat ur artikeln:
According to Penelope
Leach, a leading British childcare expert and one of the study's
authors, the social and emotional development of children cared for by
someone other than their mother 'is definitely less good'.
Such children tend to show higher levels of aggression or are inclined to become more withdrawn, compliant and sad. Tests included the ability to do a series of set tasks and the level of eye-contact maintained with adults.
Detta gäller dock inte om mamman t ex är deprimerad:Leach said the study
indicates that not all babies and toddlers do well at home. Children of
mothers suffering depression or having other priorities than motherhood
fared better with childminders and nurseries. 'Mummy care isn't
necessarily the gold standard,' said Leach.
Alternativ man jämfört med är dagis (nurseries), släktingar och dagmammor (child minders).