Rummel ryar mot Democrat Party
Rudolph Rummel kritiserar hårt demokratiska partiet i
USA för deras ryggradslösa hållning i Irakkriget. Och det gör han rätt
i. Han visar också på en liknande inställning hos dem, under
That being said, I look on the Democrat Party with sadness. It used to be a great Party that steadfastly defended freedom in the face of attacks from the domestic socialist left and authoritarian right. And its vigorous anti-communist foreign policy helped defend free nations everywhere. The Marshall Plan and NATO that saved Europe, American rearmament, and the foreign policy of Containment that held Stalin in check were all conceived under the Democrats, as was the defense of South Korea against the North's invasion.
Beginning with Vietnam, however, the Democrat Party has been hijacked by its left wing. It was the Democrats that by their control of Congress and through their media organs ultimately forced the United States to, as one wit put it, snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. All American forces were not only withdrawn from defending the South, but soon thereafter Congress withdrew all the military aid on which South Vietnam, the anti-communist forces in Laos, and the anti-Khmer Rouge forces in Cambodia depended. The causation is direct and unambiguous.Hittat via Spookhead.