Dick Cheney vådasköt jaktkamrat som är advokat, kul kommentarer på Fark
Kommentarerna och bilderna på fark.com om Cheneys vådaskjutning är ganska roliga. Här ett urval. Gå till källan för att läsa alla.
arcadecalgary |
the old guy probably said "Dick, wheres the bourbon?" ,Cheney heard , "I wear a turban" and the rest is history
Sawabloom |
First, he'll take out the lawyers, next it will be those liberal judges!

Snarfangel |
If shooting lawyers is wrong, I don't wanna be right.
GW_Diesel |
See, all you libs think it's fun and games to make fun of conservatives until someone gets hurt.. sheesh..
DarthLamont |
So Cheney shoots at a Quayle emerging from a Bush, misses, and hits friend, but there isn't much Gore.
barneyfifesbullet |
Guns don't kill people, neocons do.