Växthuseffekten kan hota vattentillgången

published Aug 14, 2006 11:53   by admin ( last modified Aug 14, 2006 11:53 )
Genom att mäta isotoper i arktiska borrkärnor av is, har man kunnat börja sätta upp modeller för var på jorden nederbörden föll under en varm period för 55 miljoner år sedan.

"Without being hysteric, it is important to realize that the impact of global warming is not just about searing hot summers -- it is about water as a resource. It is about when and where it rains and how much we have to drink," said Pagani.


"In the PETM, because there were no sharp warm and cold fronts meeting to triggering rainfall, massive amounts of water got transferred from the tropics and sub-tropics to the arctic," said Pagani. "That drastically increased humidity and precipitation in the arctic. In turn, it led to increased river runoff that lowered the ocean salinity, changing its oxygen capacity and the plant life in the region. It also probably left the middle latitudes a lot dryer."

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