Mer och mer genetiskt urval görs vid graviditeter

published Sep 07, 2006 05:34   by admin ( last modified Sep 07, 2006 05:34 )
New York Times har en artikel om hur par kollar gener på sina foster för gener som inte är direkt dödliga, men som kan ge en sämre livskvalitet. John Hawks reflekterar:

The article talks about the procedure as becoming increasingly common, which is certainly true. But as I tell my students, there are pretty clear logical limits. Screening for one Mendelian gene is certainly possible, and has a reasonable chance of obtaining three or four "desirable" embryos if the couple starts with ten or twelve fertilized zygotes. But screen for two Mendelian genes at once, and you square the necessary number of fertilized eggs. The supply of ova is very limited, so picking offspring characteristics with PGD is not going to happen at any large scale.