Wikipedia splittas

published Sep 16, 2006 05:50   by admin ( last modified Sep 16, 2006 05:50 )
Larry Sanger, en av grundarna till Wikipedia ska starta Citizendium, en så kallad fork av Wikipedia, dvs en kopia som man sedan väljer att utveckla på egna premisser.

Sanger vill ha en uppslagsbok på nätet där man verifierar identiteterna på de som bidrar med information:

Do you want to try to "steal" people from Wikipedia and divide the community?

That is not the aim.  Wikipedia has already driven off no doubt thousands of would-be contributors, and there are thousands, if not millions, of people who never would think about contributing to Wikipedia in the first place.  We want to set up, not a replacement, but an alternative to Wikipedia, a responsible constitutional republic that makes a special place for experts and invites the general public to work shoulder-to-shoulder with them.

Are you attempting to shut Wikipedia down?

No.  That makes up no part of our aim.  We wish instead to leverage the fantastic resource that is Wikipedia and use it to create something better.

Aha!  So you are trying to outdo Wikipedia, aren't you?

Well, of course.  Why else would we be proposing a fork?

Läs mer på Citizendium, på Slashdot och på Focus (sistnämnda på tyska).