Kina kan förbereda statskupp i Nordkorea
Tidningen The Australian påstår att det kan vara så att Kina förbereder en statskupp i Nordkorea.
- Den kinesiska regeringen tillåter mer kritik av Nordkorea på Internet än normalt,
- Kinesiska skildringar av tidigare kuppförsök inifrån Nordkorea börjar dyka upp på Internet
- Kinesiska tjänstemän har börjat skilja på Nordkoreas regim och dess folk,
"In today's DPRK Government, there are two factions, sinophile and royalist," one Chinese analyst wrote online. "The objective of the sinophiles is reform, Chinese-style, and then to bring down Kim Jong-il's royal family. That's why Kim is against reform. He's not stupid."
More than one Chinese academic agreed that China yearned for an uprising similar to the one that swept away the Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu in 1989 and replaced him with communist reformers and generals. The Chinese made an intense political study of the Romanian revolution and even questioned president Ion Iliescu, who took over, about how it was done and what roles were played by the KGB and by Russia.