Dataspel förstärker aggression hos aggressiva
Man mätte aggressivitet, oro och fientlighet med frågor på ett formulär. Man mätte även resistivitet i huden och puls. Flera olika dataspel användes både lugna, hetsiga, våldsamma och icke-våldsamma. Slutsats:
The study's most dramatic result, however, correlated game content with hostility levels after the gaming session. For gamers who had previously indicated a high level of aggression, there was a significant positive correlation (β=.49) between violent game content and hostility. But for gamers who were not aggressive, there was no correlation between violent content and hostility level after playing the game.
This is quite strong evidence that violent games (or at least this particular game) do not act as a "release" for aggressive or hostile emotions. Indeed, the most aggressive individuals are most likely to have elevated levels of hostility after a gaming session.
The news isn't all bad for game defenders: There's also evidence for the converse -- if you're not an especially aggressive person, then this study shows no relationship between playing violent games and hostility.