Polygami oförenligt med demokrati?
Jonathan Rauch menar att polygami, som normalt alltid bertyder en man med flera kvinnor, leder till frustration och chanstagande bland män som blir utan, till den grad att det destabiliserar samhället.
Läs mer: Reason: One Man, Many Wives, Big Problems: The social consequences of polygamy are bigger than you think
By this point it should be obvious that polygamy is, structurally and socially, the opposite of same-sex marriage, not its equivalent. Same-sex marriage stabilizes individuals, couples, communities, and society by extending marriage to many who now lack it. Polygamy destabilizes individuals, couples, communities, and society by withdrawing marriage from many who now have it.
Läs mer: Reason: One Man, Many Wives, Big Problems: The social consequences of polygamy are bigger than you think