Viagra bekämpar cancer

published Dec 07, 2006 07:47   by admin ( last modified Dec 07, 2006 07:47 )
Inte nog med att Viagra ger fler hjärnceller (som jag bloggat om), nu verkar den aktiva substansen i Viagra också kunna hjälpa kroppen att bekämpa cancer. Och det är försök på möss än så länge.

In a report published in the Nov. 27 issue of the Journal of Experimental Medicine, the Hopkins team says boosted levels of the chemical messenger nitric oxide appear to dampen the effects of a specialized cell that diverts the immune system away from tumors, allowing swarms of cancer-attacking T-cells to migrate to tumor sites in the rodents. Lab-grown cancer cells treated with sildenafil showed similar results, as did tissue samples taken from 14 head and neck cancer and multiple myeloma patients.

Läs mer: Viagra helps fight cancer | Science Blog