Britterna gör sista avbetalningen på krigsskulden till USA & Kanada

published Dec 28, 2006 12:42   by admin ( last modified Dec 28, 2006 12:42 )
Imorgon gör Storbritannien den sista avbetalningen på de lån de fick från USA och Kanada under andra världskriget.

Vi ska aldrig glömma den heroiska insats som Storbritannien gjorde, för att rädda Europa för friheten.


Och så lite anglosaxisk humor från Fark:

2006-12-28 01:01:32 AM CanadianCommie [TotalFark]  

El_Swino: Does that mean we can give back Newfoundland?

no, no that's collateral, since they couldn't make the interest payments on Vimy Ridge or Juno Beach.


2006-12-28 01:25:44 AM copper1861  

wookiemonster: Funny, we let the Japanese and the Germans slide and practically rebuilt their countries for free.

Don't you know? The best way for any country to make money is to lose a war to the United States.


2006-12-28 06:46:09 AM polecat_bastard  


Dude, we totally put the check in the post in 1956, you should have said you didn't get it then.

post? see, that's the problem right there.

y'all should have put it in the MAIL.