Kartläggning av islamistisk terrorism av Homeland Security

published Jan 12, 2007 09:48   by admin ( last modified Jan 12, 2007 09:48 )
Intressanta påstående i rapporten:

Muslimer i USA är mer integrerade och rikare än muslimer i Europa, vilket gör risken för inhemsk terrorism större i Europa än i USA

•Muslims living in the US are more integrated, more prosperous and therefore less alienated than Muslims living in Western Europe, where the "homegrown" threat is significant and rising
•The most significant terrorist threat to the homeland and to U.S. interests abroad today is a growing radical, extremist movement underpinned by a jihadist/Salafist ideology

Läs mer: Counterterrorism Blog: HS Future Terrorism Task Force findings: "Salafi Jihadism is the main threat"