Länk - Guide till artificiella neurala nätverk
Artificiella neurala nätverk har jag använt i forskningsprojekt, så det är kul att e att de får lite täckning.
Läs mer: AI : Neural Network for beginners (Part 1 of 3) - The Code Project - C# Algorithms
# Part 1 : This one, will be an introduction into Perceptron networks (single layer neural networks) # Part 2 : Will be about multi layer neural networks, and the back propogation training method to solve a non linear classification problem such as the logic of an XOR logic gate. This is something that a Perceptron can't do. This is explained further within this article # Part 3 : Will be about how to use a genetic algorithm (GA) to train a multi layer neural network to solve some logic problem
Läs mer: AI : Neural Network for beginners (Part 1 of 3) - The Code Project - C# Algorithms