Länk - Chiemgauer och andra lokala valutor i euroområdet

published Feb 08, 2007 06:15   by admin ( last modified Feb 08, 2007 06:15 )
I framför allt den tyskspråkiga delen finns det ett antal lokala valutor. En av dem chiemgauer, bygger på idén att en valuta ska tappa i värde snabbt så att pengar spenderas snabbt.

To obtain chiemgauers, the roughly 1,000 users register with Gelleri's organization and get a bank card that resembles any other. At about 40 sites around the region, they can draw chiemgauers at the rate of one per euro, and spend them at roughly 1,000 businesses. The chiemgauer depreciates at a rate of 2 percent per quarter, so Gelleri helped build in other incentives to persuade people to swap their euros for it. Schools, music clubs and elder-care associations, for example, sell chiemgauers and earn a 3 percent commission.

Läs mer: In lands of the euro, a growing number of local currencies - International Herald Tribune