Länk - Personlighet kan ses i iris?
En del gener påverkar förmodligen både inre egenskaper ( t ex hjärnan) och yttre. Kan iris vara ett sådant ställe?
Läs mer: Mind Hacks: The iris is the window to the soul
Larsson found that 'crypts' were significantly associated with five personality characteristics (Feelings, Tendermindedness, Warmth, Trust and Positive Emotions) whereas 'contraction furrows' were associated with Impulsiveness. I can't say I'm entirely clear what 'crypts' and 'contraction furrows' look like, but there's a description on Wikipedia and you can click here to see the diagram from Larsson's paper in a popup window. If it comes as a surprise that the same gene could influence both the eye and brain development, it's actually not that strange an idea based on what we already know.
Läs mer: Mind Hacks: The iris is the window to the soul