Black screen: Get x2goclient to work with a Ubuntu x2go server

published Dec 22, 2015 03:45   by admin ( last modified Dec 25, 2015 08:03 )

I got a black screen when trying to use x2go between two Ubuntu 15.04 machines. However by installing the MATE desktop environment on the server I got it working. Had no luck with the Unity and Gnome options.

sudo apt-get install mate-desktop-environment

If you're on Raspbian (Debian for Raspberry pi) the version of x2goclient there does not support MATE. However LXDE/Lubuntu seems to work fine in my tests as an alternative on the server side.

sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop

According to doc:de-compat [X2Go - everywhere@home] these desktop environments work:

  • Lxde (not Lxqt)
  • Xfce
  • Mate
  • Icewm
  • Openbox
  • Gnome <= 3.8 can work with workarounds, anything above not recommended
  • KDE 3 and 4 supposed to work, but not KDE 5.