How to get in-page attributions semi-automatically out of Flickr
This is a stop gap solution.
First, add this to your CSS:
.attribution:hover .attribution-info { display: block; } .attribution-info:hover { display: block; } .attribution-info { display: none; background: #C8C8C8; margin-left: 28px; padding: 10px; position: absolute; z-index: 1000; }
Secondly, execute this scipt on a Flickr photo page. I use tha javascript console, but I wonder if there is a way of making this into a bookmarklet:
window.prompt('Info', '<span class="attribution">(Attribution) <span class="attribution-info">Author: ' + $('.attribution-info>.owner-name').text+'<br>Source: ' + document.documentURI+'<br>License ' + $('.photo-license-url').href + '</span></span>')
Take the resulting html, and paste into your web page next to the photo.