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Länk - Hur B-celler programmerar antikroppar

published Dec 19, 2006 10:51   by admin ( last modified Dec 19, 2006 10:51 )
Researchers have learned how the immune system slices and dices genes so that B cells can program antibodies to seek out and destroy invaders.

Läs mer: HHMI News: Ancient DNA-Repair Mechanism Helps Immune System Genetically Retarget Weapons

Länk - Undersökning: Man blir aggressiv av vapen

published Dec 19, 2006 10:50   by admin ( last modified Dec 19, 2006 10:50 )

The results are dramatic: Testosterone levels increased significantly after handling the gun, while they didn't increase at all after a similar task with the game. And the gun-handlers put more than three times as much hot sauce in the water as the game players: over 13 grams, in just an 85-gram container of water, creating a solution that was over 15 percent hot sauce. Klinesmith's team argues that this study shows that simply handling a gun causes men to be more aggressive.

Läs mer: Cognitive Daily: Testosterone and aggression, or what Frank's Red Hot Sauce has to do with handgun violence

Länk - Terrorförsök rapporterade mot Frankrike

published Dec 19, 2006 10:50   by admin ( last modified Dec 19, 2006 10:50 )
French counterterrorism forces are on high alert going into presidential elections next spring, two of the country's top terrorism officials say, citing three Islamist plots thwarted over the last 18 months — including one to bomb the Paris Métro and another targeting Orly Airport.

Läs mer: French counterterror forces on high alert - Europe - International Herald Tribune

Länk - Djur inte synska

published Dec 19, 2006 10:50   by admin ( last modified Dec 19, 2006 10:50 )
The results appeared promising but also suggested that at least some of the positive results were attributable to the dogs' remarkable sense of smell. The report also examines the possibility of ESP in cats and pigeons. Rhine was the first to attempt a scientific investigation of paranormal phenomena of this type, and many of his experimental results have been attacked as being the result of a general lack of stringent experimental controls and the possible falsification of records by his laboratory assistants.

Läs mer: Omni Brain : Psychic Animals

Länk - Irakiska bloggskildringar av våldet

published Dec 19, 2006 10:48   by admin ( last modified Dec 19, 2006 10:48 )
You may here on the news that the situation for the ordinary people is going from bad to worse but why not hear from the Iraqis for yourself.

Läs mer: Global Voices Online » Blog Archive » To hell you f***ing murderer…to hell…go and meet your other chums who are burning in hell now!!!!

Länk - Roliga bilder försöker förklara neurobiologin bakom beroenden

published Dec 19, 2006 10:42   by admin ( last modified Dec 19, 2006 10:42 )
Neurobiology of Addiction: CE for Health Care Professionals

Läs mer: Week 4

Länk - Smarta vegetarianer

published Dec 19, 2006 10:41   by admin ( last modified Dec 19, 2006 10:41 )
Adults who classified themselves as vegetarian tended to be five points higher in IQ when they were tested at age 10. Interestingly, the results remained stable after education and social class were controlled for.

Läs mer: Mind Hacks: Vegetarians have higher childhood IQ

Länk - Hur människan skapade människan

published Dec 19, 2006 10:40   by admin ( last modified Dec 19, 2006 10:40 )
The notion that a single small population of incipient modern humans had the perfect genetic combination for ultimate success seems quite improbable. Instead, the long coevolution of modern anatomy and behavior in contact with archaic humans, even as those archaic populations appeared to diminish, provided a rich source of adaptations for the expanding modern population. With current genomic techniques, we are beginning to find these archaic genes. We expect that they will prove central to the story of modern human origins.

Läs mer: John Hawks Anthropology Weblog : 2006 12

Economist om fri vilja - ett bottennapp

published Dec 19, 2006 09:38   by admin ( last modified Dec 19, 2006 09:38 )
The Economist har en artikel om fri vilja, och att neurologin börjar kringskära begreppet. Artikeln talar om en man med tumör. Mannen fick ett asocialt beteende som helt klart var influerat av tumören, och artikeln slutar med att den fria viljan kan bli ett kringskuret begrepp i framtiden. Och artikeln är ett bottennapp.

Varför är den ett bottennapp? Jo, den är skriven som en dålig svensk ledartikel: Å ena sidan, å andra sidan, och sedan en slags "Vem vet inte du, vem vet inte jag"-avslutning.

The Economist kan normalt sett bättre, men det har på det senaste året eller så, börjat smyga sig in en illavarslande relativism i artiklarna. I artikeln står bl a:

Scientists have looked at anger and violence, though, and discovered genetic variations, expressed as concentrations of a particular messenger molecule in the brain, that are both congenital and predisposing to a violent temper. Where is free will in this case? Free will is one of the trickiest concepts in philosophy, but also one of the most important. Without it, the idea of responsibility for one's actions flies out of the window, along with much of the glue that holds a free society (and even an unfree one) together.

Låt oss då titta på begreppen fri vilja och rättskipning, för det är det artikeln uppehåller sig vid. Vad händer med rättsskipningen om man inte har en fri vilja?, undrar artikeln. Pja, om du inte har det får du antingen bli omyndigförklarad eller bli satt på rättspsyk eller både och. För det de talar om här är förmåga att bete sig moraliskt. Och har man inte den kapaciteten så kan man inte fungera i ett fritt samhälle. Så är det med det. Det finns massor av varelser som inte har den kapaciteten, alla djur, skorpioner till exempel, som i den gamla fabeln "det är i min natur att göra så". Begreppet individuellt ansvar fungerar utmärkt för de flesta av oss. Straff finns för att befolka våra neurologiska hjärnor med det faktum att om man handlar omoraliskt så går det illa (Ja, jag vet att det är skillnad på lag och moral, men de hänger ihop, därav begrepp som det allmänna rättsmedvetandet). Eget ansvar innebär: "Ja du kanske har ett våldsamt humör, men då får du f-n kontrollera det!". Samma som förut.

Och vad händer då med den fria viljan i största allmänhet? Absolut ingenting! Man kan bara tänka så enkelt att en hjärna kommer att fatta olika beslut, beroende på om den tror att den har en fri vilja eller inte. Se där.

Och vill man ta det ur ett mer tekniskt-naturvetenskapligt perspektiv så kan man se hjärnor som lokala processenheter. Och det blir bäst om de tar ansvar för sin egen drift (fri vilja)  och upprätthåller protokoll mot omvärlden (eget ansvar) som fungerar.

Artikeln är  inte fel i sig, den gör bara inte den relevanta analysen. Och det är, med The Economist-krav, ett bottennapp.

Läs mer: Liberalism and neurology | Free to choose? |

Länk - Finland blockar rysk elkabel till Sverige

published Dec 19, 2006 04:56   by admin ( last modified Dec 19, 2006 04:56 )
Från det finländska beslutet:

Om kabelprojektet förverkligas skulle det minska i synnerhet den kombinerade inhemska produktionen av el och värme och i fortsättningen bromsa upp genomförandet av nya inhemska energilösningar. Allt detta skulle innebära att andelen el som produceras av inhemska energiråämnen ytterligare skulle minska från den nuvarande nivån 34 procent. Detta skulle inte vara en god utvecklingsriktning.

Förtydligande: Kabeln skulle gå till Finland, men användas av svensk industri.
Läs mer: *** E R A ***

Länk - Bygg din egen hjärnstimulator

published Dec 18, 2006 11:39   by admin ( last modified Dec 18, 2006 11:39 )
OpenStim is a community that aims to develop a magnetic brain stimulator which you can build and use in your own home.

Läs mer: Mind Hacks: Build your own brain stimulator

Länk - Cancer korrelerat med kroppsstorlek snarare än med livslängd, evolutionärt sett

published Dec 18, 2006 11:30   by admin ( last modified Dec 18, 2006 11:30 )
Here we show that telomerase activity does not coevolve with lifespan but instead coevolves with body mass: larger rodents repress telomerase activity in somatic cells. These results suggest that large body mass presents a greater risk of cancer than long lifespan, and large animals evolve repression of telomerase activity to mitigate that risk.

Läs mer: Blackwell Synergy: Aging Cell, Vol 0, Issue 0, pp. ???-???: Telomerase activity coevolves with body mass not lifespan (Abstract)

Länk - Hålla handen lugnande i goda äktenskap

published Dec 18, 2006 11:27   by admin ( last modified Dec 18, 2006 11:27 )
The results showed a large decrease in the brain response to threat as a function of spouse handholding, and a limited decrease in this response as a function of stranger handholding. Moreover, spouse handholding effects varied as a function of marital quality, with women in the very highest quality marriages benefiting from a very powerful decrease in threat-related brain activity, including a strong decrease in the emotional (affective) component of the brain’s pain processing circuits.

Läs mer: High-quality marriages help to calm nerves | Science Blog

Länk - Diabetes en neurologisk sjukdom?

published Dec 18, 2006 06:21   by admin ( last modified Dec 18, 2006 06:21 )
We started to look at nervous system elements that seemed to play a role in Type 1 diabetes and found that specific sensory neurons are critical for islet immune attack in the pancreas,

Läs mer: Diabetes, A Neurological Disorder? - Medgadget -

Länk - Finns det gemensamma europeiska värderingar?

published Dec 18, 2006 06:14   by admin ( last modified Dec 18, 2006 06:14 )
The study revealed a huge rift in attitudes towards homosexuality, with the Dutch (82%) followed by the Swedes and the Danes (71% and 69%) strongly in favour of allowing gay marriages in the whole EU, while only 12 percent of Latvians and equally small percentages of Poles (17%) and Greeks (15%) said they back the idea.

Läs mer:

Länk - Rysk underrättelsetjänst har Läderlappens logga

published Dec 15, 2006 10:19   by admin ( last modified Dec 15, 2006 10:19 )
Russia spy HQ has giant batman mural in floor

Läs mer: Boing Boing: Russia spy HQ has giant batman mural in floor

Länk - Al Gore: distribuerad energiproduktion i framtiden

published Dec 13, 2006 07:18   by admin ( last modified Dec 13, 2006 07:18 )
Societies of the future will rely on small, diversified and renewable sources of energy, ranging from windmills and solar photovoltaics to second-generation ethanol-and biodiesel-production facilities. Widely dispersed throughout the countryside, these streamlined facilities will make the industrialized world more secure and less dependent on unstable and threatening oil-producing nations.

Läs mer: My Turn: Al Gore on Climate Crisis and Global Power - Newsweek Enterprise -

Länk - Nätverksanalys av bedragare på Ebay

published Dec 13, 2006 07:03   by admin ( last modified Dec 13, 2006 07:03 )
Fraudulent eBay users typically build up their online "reputation" by conducting transactions with accomplices who give them phony "positive" feedback. These accomplices, a research team at Carnegie Mellon has found, typically interact with many fraudsters. If an eBay user transacts with many known accomplices, who aren't themselves engaging in fraud but have given positive feedback to fraudsters, then they may be a fraudster themselves.

Läs mer: Cognitive Daily: Finding eBay fraudsters through social networks

Länk - Ryssland vill inte ha konkurrens på sina pipelines

published Dec 12, 2006 11:46   by admin ( last modified Dec 12, 2006 11:46 )
One of Russia's main objections to the charter is the transit protocol, which discusses how foreign energy companies could obtain "third-party access." In practice, third-party access would allow companies to use Russia's pipeline network to transport, for example, gas purchased in Central Asia via Russia to markets in Europe.

Läs mer: Russia gets tough on energy sales to Europe - Europe - International Herald Tribune

Länk - Nasdaq försöker ta över londonbörsen

published Dec 12, 2006 11:46   by admin ( last modified Dec 12, 2006 11:46 )
Nasdaq officially announced a $5.3 billion hostile bid for the London Stock Exchange on Wednesday, starting the takeover clock ticking on a combination that would create the first trans-Atlantic bourse.

Läs mer: Nasdaq begins a hostile bid for the London Stock Exchange - Business - International Herald Tribune