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Notes on the meltdown and spectre exploits

published Jan 05, 2018 12:30   by admin ( last modified Jan 05, 2018 12:44 )

These are my notes for personal use on 2018-01-05, check authoritative sources and do not rely on what is written here.

As of today, here is a good source:

General strategy

Run sensitive stuff on dedicated computers

Google Chrome

Enable site isolation



Firefox 57 and onwards has a kind of timing resolution mitigation, which should help a bit.


Linux distros may have patched some already in December. Unclear right now how much it helps.

Brutally honest notes from the Xen project on these exploits, worth reading


SP1, "Bounds-check bypass": Poison the branch predictor, such that
operating system or hypervisor code is speculatively executed past
boundary and security checks.  This would allow an attacker to, for
instance, cause speculative code in the normal hypercall / emulation
path to execute with wild array indexes.

SP2, "Branch Target Injection": Poison the branch predictor.
Well-abstracted code often involves calling function pointers via
indirect branches; reading these function pointers may involve a
(slow) memory access, so the CPU attempts to guess where indirect
branches will lead.  Poisoning this enables an attacker to
speculatively branch to any code that exists in the hypervisor.

SP3, "Rogue Data Load": On some processors, certain pagetable
permission checks only happen when the instruction is retired;
effectively meaning that speculative execution is not subject to
pagetable permission checks.  On such processors, an attacker can
speculatively execute arbitrary code in userspace with, effectively,
the highest privilege level.


There is no mitigation for SP1 and SP2.

SP3 can be mitigated by running guests in HVM or PVH mode.


There is no available resolution for SP1 or SP3.

We are working on patches which mitigate SP2 but these are not
currently available.

How I got my Microsoft Bluetooth 3600 mouse to work on Ubuntu 17.10

published Dec 21, 2017 09:55   by admin ( last modified Dec 28, 2017 07:59 )

Now I do not know if or why this did the trick, but following the instructions here:

echo "options iwlwifi bt_coex_active=0"|sudo tee --append /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf

then you should restart your computer or you can reload your wifi modules. Again in one line:

sudo rmmod iwlmvm iwlwifi && sudo modprobe iwlmvm

…gave a lot of new devices discovered in bluetoothctl, among which I could pair and trust the mouse. This issue was driving me nuts btw.


[NEW] Device CE:AB:BA:AB:87:87 BluetoothMouse3600

pair CE<tab completion><return>

trust CE<tab completion><return>

Here is some explanation but seems to go the other way…

My favorite image viewer on Linux

published Dec 19, 2017 10:00   by admin ( last modified Dec 19, 2017 10:14 )

…is Gwenview. Had forgotten the name, so it took me a bit of searching to find it and install it again. It has function keys for moving and copying images, which makes sorting easier. It also has of course a slideshow.


I just found one called geeqie that seems to do the same things, but also allows you to tag images into six categories with keypad 1-6, and then do stuff with a tagged set of images..

OSS for streaming video & screencasts

published Dec 17, 2017 04:39   by admin ( last modified Dec 17, 2017 04:39 )

Untested by me at this point in time.

Pipelines in Kotlin (first steps)

published Dec 03, 2017 10:20   by admin ( last modified Dec 03, 2017 10:27 )

I cannot lie, I like pipelines. They make a program easy to understand, and you get functional programming for free. And parallelization. So how do you do it in Kotlin? In Javascript I use the Bluebird library, which has some extra goodies too. But since I am now looking into Kotlin, what's the deal there?

Java itself now has streams, but Kotlin's support for pipelines predate Java's. Many types can be pipelined in Kotlin, but in Java they need to converted to streams. Kotlin's pipelines are eager, unless you convert them to sequences, in which case they match the lazy evaluation of Java streams. Here is a Kotlin program that seems to work:

package se.webworks.pipes

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val myList = listOf("a1", "a2", "b1", "c2", "c1")

            .filter({ s -> s.startsWith("c") })
            .map( { emBiggen(it) })
            .forEach({s-> println(s) })

fun emBiggen(thing: String): String{

    return thing.toUpperCase()


"it" is the default variable where things end up if you do not specify. I like that. Very Hypertalk-y.

I learnt it all here

What I am wondering now, is if you can curry functions, so that you can pre-configure them with some parameters already in the pipeline. Maybe just removing the brackets and have a function return a function will do the trick?

We will see…

Why pipelines then? As Walther Bright, creator of the D language wrote:

With these thoughts in mind, I look back at all my failures at reusable code and notice something else: It looks nothing at all like: source → algorithm → sink. In fact, it looks like a bunch of nested loops. The source data enters at the top, and gets swirled around and around in ever smaller and tighter loops, and leaves via the sink in the center of that maelstrom.

Read more: Link - Component Programming in D | Dr Dobb's




Setting up Kotlin on Ubuntu 17.10

published Dec 03, 2017 06:20   by admin ( last modified Dec 03, 2017 06:21 )


  • Use Oracle's Java, OpenJDK does not work with IntelliJ on Ubuntu 17.10
  • Install Maven
  • Start project in IntelliJ via Maven

Longer explanation

First install maven. It is in the Ubuntu repositories, so easy step.

sudo apt install maven

Download IntelliJ. Kotlin is included in IntelliJ, so no need to download it separately. You need to install the JDK from Oracle, because IntelliJ doesn't understand Openjdk (or the OpenJDK JDK is incomplete) on Ubuntu 17.10 at this point in time.

Place it somewhere and then tell IntelliJ where it is, you can download it and e.g. move it to /usr/local/lib/jvm.


Screenshot from 2017 12 03 18 11 52
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Getting identical Argon2i hashes with C reference, Rust, Kotlin/Java, python/libsodium & javascript

published Nov 30, 2017 11:15   by admin ( last modified Dec 06, 2017 08:57 )

How do you know the Argon2i library you are using is giving you the correct hash? One way to boost confidence is to see if independent implementations yield the same result.

Below first going through configuration differences, then showing an example of an identical configuration for the five Argon2i implementations, yielding the same hash:



  • Web interface to a pure javascript/wasm implementation at, based on a slightly modified version of the reference implementation
  • PyNaCl-1.2.0 for Python3, using libsodium
  • The argon2 command line tool in Ubuntu 17.10, version 0~20161029-1, based on the reference implementation
  • Pure Java implementation by Andreas Gadermaier, version 0.1
  • Rust implementation rust-argon2 by SRU-Systems, version 0.3.0

Different numerical versions of Argon2 yield different results

All above implementations above conform to the hash yielded according to version 0.13 of Argon. However only one of the libraries explicitly state so, rust-argon2. Kudos to SRU systems! You can change the version of Argon2 used in rust-argon2, and with version 0.10 you get this hash (for the same parameters):


The Argon2 paper states in its change log for what's new in version 1.3:

• The blocks are XORed with, not overwritten in the second pass and later

It seems to me that being explicit with what version you are using, or even be aware of that there are different version yielding different results, is a pretty big deal. Your password checking or keystretching may otherwise become quite infuriating and stressful.

There is another Rust implementation of Argon2 Argon2rs, that yields the 0.10 hash in the version available at 0.2.5 at the time of this writing . There is work underway to conform argon2rs also to the 0.13 standard.


The following parameters give the same hash for all five listed implementations. The argon2i version was used, since it is available in all.


Impl. Name Format
argon2-browser salt string
PyNacl salt byte string b"abc"
argon2 CLI <first argument> string
Kotlin/Java <second arg to hash> "abc".toByteArray
rust-argon2 <second arg to hash_raw> byte string b"abc"



Impl. Name Format
argon2-browser iterations number
PyNacl OPS_LIMIT integer
argon2 CLI -t string
Kotlin/Java setIterations integer
rust-argon2 time_cost integer


Impl. Name Format
argon2-browser password string
PyNacl password byte string b"abc"
argon2 CLI <STDIN> string
Kotlin/Java <first arg to hash> "abc".toByteArray
rust-argon2 <first arg to hash_raw> byte string b"abc"

For the argon2 CLI:

echo -n 'password' | argon2 […]


Impl. Name Format
argon2-browser memory number in kibibytes
PyNacl memlimit integer in bytes
argon2 CLI -m string, power of 2 in kibibytes
Kotlin/Java setMemory integer, power of 2 in kibibytes
rust-argon2 mem_cost integer in kibibytes

Memory, as it is called in argon2-browser is called memlimit in pynacl. If you set it to 1024 in argon2-browser, because it is in kibibytes, it should be 1048576 in pynacl, which uses bytes as unit. Google can do the conversion for you.

The argon2 command line tool wants kibibyte powers of 2, so "10" will set it to 2¹⁰ kib which is 1024 kibibytes. Same for Java/Kotlin version.

Octets output length

Impl. Name Format
argon2-browser Hash length number
PyNacl <first argument> integer
argon2 CLI -l string
Kotlin/Java   set to 32 always, maybe?
rust-argon2 hash_length integer


Output in hex format

Impl. How
argon2-browser always in hex
PyNacl key.hex()
argon2 CLI -e
Kotlin/Java always in hex
rust-argon2 hexify yourself

In argon2-browser, it is always in hex, in pynacl it is the .hex() method on the result object. In the argon2 it is hex by default but can be changed to raw bytes with the -r flag. In Java/Kotlin version, it is hex.

Examples of an identical configuration of all

Argon2-web screenshot:

Click to view full-size image…
Size: 34.1 kB

Pure java implemetation called from Kotlin example (thanks to Mikael Ståldal for help on this):

package se.webworks

import at.gadermaier.argon2.Argon2Factory

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val password = "masonit".toByteArray()
    val salt = "0123456789ABCDEF".toByteArray()
    val hash = Argon2Factory.create()
            .hash(password, salt)


You can also call the java jar directly with command line arguments:

echo -n "masonit" | java -jar argon2-0.1.jar 0123456789ABCDEF -i -m 10 -p 1 -t 8

Rust example with rust-argon2:

extern crate argon2;
extern crate hex;

use argon2::{Config, ThreadMode, Variant, Version};
fn main() {

let password = b"masonit";
let salt = b"0123456789ABCDEF";
let config = Config {
    variant: Variant::Argon2i,
    version: Version::Version13,
    mem_cost: 1024,
    time_cost: 8,
    lanes: 1,
    thread_mode: ThreadMode::Parallel,
    secret: &[],
    ad: &[],
    hash_length: 32

let hash = argon2::hash_raw(password, salt, &config).unwrap();
    let hex_string = hex::encode(hash);
    println!("{}", hex_string);


argon2 command line tool example:

echo -n 'masonit' | argon2 0123456789ABCDEF -t 8 -m 10

Python code example:

from nacl import pwhash

password = b'masonit'

kdf = pwhash.argon2i.kdf
salt = b'0123456789ABCDEF'

Alices_key = kdf(32, password, salt,
                 opslimit=8, memlimit=1048576 )

Happy to live in the EU?

published Nov 23, 2017 12:11   by admin ( last modified Nov 23, 2017 12:11 )

Click to view full-size image…
Size: 52.0 kB

Internet, geopolitics & societal organization in light of the reformation

published Nov 05, 2017 06:45   by admin ( last modified Nov 07, 2017 10:46 )

This year it is 500 years since Martin Luther affixed his theses to a church door. The reformation, or rather maybe the printing press, changed society and beget wars. What will happen when the Internet changes how we get and disseminate information?

Let's first look at what similarities and differences exist between the effect of the printing press on society and the Internet's effect on society.

With regards to religion, Protestantism supplanted a hierarchical system of clergy, a body of people with relationships between them, with the "leaf nodes" being the common church goers. People lived in kingdoms, principalities and similar, where power was effectively shared between the king or other leader, and the church.

With Lutheranism the king could get rid of the power of the Roman church, and with the direct relationship between scripture and the believer, there was a new concept of identity and self, which both factors may have facilitated the nation state (see Fukuyama: Political Consequences of the Protestant Reformation, Part I , Part II ).

One may even argue that it influenced Catholic France through among other factors the French revolution, and led to Napoleons' Grande Armée which size dwarfed any other armies in Europe, People where energized to fight not for the church, but for other things such as universal ideas and the nation of France. These ideas later turned into the nation state as a war machine, where a certain loyalty with and fealty to the church and a willingness for sacrifice, had been outcompeted by having the same feelings towards the nation state instead.

The printing press led to a more direct relationship between the reader and a rich selection of standardized, mass-produced messages. Radio and television would later severely limit the selection of messages and hence funnel people's thinking into narrower tracks, and in some ways veer closer to a similar grip as that of the medieval Catholic Church, but in the service of the state. Radio may have been instrumental to totalitarianism.

The printing press made it possible to mass produce a wide variety of messages, still some works prevailed and got a much bigger audience. That is, even though the medium itself allowed a wide diversity of messages, people voluntarily limited themselves to a a more narrow set. Why did they do that? Two possibilities arise:

  • Some works were of much higher quality
  • A network effect existed, i.e. there was value in reading the same thing as others

Let's here exclude texts that were of immediate practical use such as on engineering or agriculture, and in doing so I believe the second factor becomes of most importance. Not so that the first factor, the quality of the work is unimportant, but rather that its quality should be viewed in its normative power for how people interact, which is a combination of the accessibility and the power of its ideas.

A thorough examination of the impact of Protestant ideas is beyond the scope of this text, mainly because I do not have the overview of it, but let's just settle for that the ideas did have an enormous impact and not bother too much about in what ways. Then we are left with the analysis that these ideas shaped the interactions between people in new patterns. In Fukuyama's texts he makes a difference between Lutheranism which tended to convert whole countries and principalities top-down, and Calvinism which spread more inconspicuously throughout the fabric of society.

Let's now look at the Internet. Just as with the printing press, a discourse gets delivered to your very own eyes, and you are required to believe in the text rather than to be commanded or prodded into believing in something, as was more the ways of the Catholic Church. And maybe it is this impossibility of commanding somebody to comply to the tenets of a text, where the concept of predestination is conceived.

Why would one embrace a discourse from a book or from the Internet?

  1. It confirms and completes already held views
  2. It promises success, as can be witnessed by those already holding the views

The Internet provides both reasons. The first one is prevalent in spades, and is what we refer to as the "filter bubble". The second one is seen in crypto currencies, which are creatures wholly dependent on the Internet and impossible to fathom without it, where a coin's success is completely dependent on other people's valuation of it.

The first reason, to confirm and complete already held views, can be a bit dangerous insofar that it may lead people into believing that they are more powerful in the world than they are, and that their peers are people that are actually surrounding them, instead of being spread out on the Internet. And of course it can nurture parochial views that are incompatible with interaction with other people holding different views. Some of these bubble communities — such as the flat earthers — have their fair share of people in them who cannot function in society in a productive way, which implies they are not locii of tremendous world-changing power.

The big effect of the Internet bubbles right now is in disinformation, that people do not know what facts to believe in. Partly this is due to some of the facts previously held as true were merely articles of belief meant to function as a glue in society.

When this glue comes undone, we may veer more towards anarchy or libertarianism. Crypto currencies can here be seen as a part of the new glue to hold society together, but that power also means that they may become brutal forces of change. The danger of disinformation on the other hand lies mainly in having difficulty to respond to nation states less affected by the chaos of the Internet, mainly Russia and to some extent China. However those countries may suffer much more gravely once the effects of the Internet hits them. As the entrepreneur Naval Ravikant said, China's monetary policy (to shut out crypto currencies) now boils down to its firewall policies.

The world completely went off the gold standard in the 1970s, and the flaws of "fiat" currencies (as currencies not backed by gold or similar are called) have been amplified by the super speed of computers, where the life cycle is accelerated by operations and communications close to the speed of light and the speed of logic gates. In fact, the fiat monetary system and its accompanying belief system can be seen as the original computer & network-driven filter bubble.

Fiat currencies are connected to the nation state, since they get their value from being the unit for paying taxes and are defended by the monopoly of violence of the nation state. If we assume the nation state will be weakened by the Internet and by crypto currencies, fiat currencies will also be weakened (directly so by crypto currencies obviously). Incidentally the Euro fiat currency has put itself into a strange predicament by being used in a geographic area without the rigor of the nation state.

Timothy Snyder has warned about the dangers of not having a functioning state. Mortality in such areas tend to go up and sometimes even surpass communist states' death tolls. So it seems we would very much prefer to have:

  • Functioning states, in tune with the new technology
  • An orderly way to get there





How to get DNS working on a Ubuntu 16.04 machine with a bridged interface

published Oct 25, 2017 11:30   by admin ( last modified Oct 25, 2017 11:51 )

Summary: The solution is to disable DNSMasq in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf .

It's no fun when it's not you configuring things wrong, but a bug. Reason is that you haven't learned anything, just made up incorrect reasons, until you find the bug.

A curious thing happened today, a Ubuntu 16.04 machine running a couple of KVM guest machines lost it's connection to the Internet, but the guest machines kept theirs!

After a closer look the host machine still had an Internet connection, but its DNS did not work. I will not bore you with the meandering trouble-shooting path, but in short this is a conflict between /etc/network/interfaces and the NetworkManager. These seem to be different competing systems for configuring your network, and sometimes they do not agree.

This time the conflict was about /etc/resolv.conf, which nowadays is handled by other processes, so if you manually write in it, that will be over written.

In this case bridge-utils (or possible a program triggered by it) wants to write whatever DNS settings it's configured with in /etc/network/interfaces , to /etc/resolv.conf. At the same time NetworkManager wants to tell /etc/resolv.conf that it has a DNSMasq DNSproxy running on localhost. And that does not work, maybe because DNSMasq only reponds to NetworkManager,or it's not there, or it's erroneously configured or whatever. /etc/resolv.conf gets clobbered with and that's it.

The solution is to disable DNSMasq in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf . Then it works and /etc/resolv.conf takes its information from /etc/network/interfaces .

Bug #1384394 “/etc/network/interfaces: “dns-nameservers” entries...” : Bugs : dnsmasq package : Ubuntu

I suspect NetworkManager is only installed on desktop systems, and this may explain why it was hard to find info on the conflict

How to re-enable tap to click in Ubuntu 17.10

published Oct 21, 2017 11:50   by admin ( last modified Oct 21, 2017 11:49 )

After the upgrade, tap-to-click stopped working with the touchpad. Couldn't find the setting in the, umm, settings applet, and also not in Gnome tweak tools. A solution was found by installing dconf-editor and navigating as indicated below:


Selection 001
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How to easily type weird characters on Ubuntu Linux 17.04

published Oct 18, 2017 11:30   by admin ( last modified Nov 20, 2019 01:30 )

To get …  type Caps Lock , release and then ..

Well, not now. When you've done the following steps:

1) You need to install gnome-tweak-tool

sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool

2) Go to the "typing" section

3) Click at "Position of Compose Key"

4) Select a key. The "levels" refer to diffferent combinations of shift, Alt Gr and so on. Caps Lock however  is a good choice :)

Now you can type ellipsis with <compose>, then ..

and em dash with <compose> then ---

And so on!

It's a bit hard to find which combinations work. Some of these work: GtkComposeTable - Community Help Wiki


Some words to make me find this blog post easier in the future: keyboard, gnome, keys.

When screen info is missing in Ubuntu, install lxrandr

published Oct 16, 2017 09:15   by admin ( last modified Oct 16, 2017 09:15 )

At least it is worth trying.

gnome-control-center refused to show any info on connected monitors.

Selection 245
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So I installed lxrandr, the monitor configuration utility from the LXDE project. It worked like a charm.

Selection 244
Click to view full-size image…
Size: 15.2 kB

It also worked for multiple monitors.

3 reasons for independence/insulation/secession & how to handle them

published Oct 04, 2017 10:50   by admin ( last modified Oct 04, 2017 11:51 )

Catalonia wants independence, the UK has voted for Brexit and the United States under Trump wants to break up free trade agreements and "bring jobs back home". I believe one can see three different reasons for wanting to have independence, or wanting to secede or insulate oneself.

1) Being oppressed - if you cannot speak your language or cannot conduct business and other societal functions in line with your old traditions and customs, or if your religion is suppressed, then you may qualify for being oppressed.

The solution here is to liberalise society so that people can speak and worship what they want. If EU regulations lack in this respect, they must be revisited and improved, so that freedom prevails. A trickier take on this is if you are a minority within an oppressed area. Gaining independence may not necessarily be good for you. There are also demographic trends over time, such as in Singapore and Kosovo.

2) A large part of the population feel they are losing out to free trade and freedom of movement. This is what fueled Brexit and got Trump elected. The solution here is to keep the majority of the population happy.

If the discontent is due to immigration, you may eventually need to dial back on it. Free trade is so important that we do not want that jeopardized in the process! You will need to bring people into a structure that gives them leadership and hope. The best way to do that is to deregulate and make entrepreneurship do its work, and lots of training. If that is not an option, you may need to make a left turn and get people into jobs that way. But it cannot be ignored when it tips 50% discontent, for obvious democratic reasons.

3) A rich region does not want to pay for the poorer parts. This has been discussed in connection with Catalonia and also in Northern Italy.

The solution is to allow regions to "divorce", but they will have to pay alimony. In the EU the EU could set that sum. We do not want too many regions to gain independence, since it would risk a crumbling of the EU into nation states, which would then be somewhat of vassal states of the U.S., Russia and China. We do not want the development since it may be unstable, and wars may erupt depending on the power dynamics of the great powers. Russia is also not strong enough to play this in the long run, so the nation state scenario is inherently unstable.

Desirable characters not (easily found) on my keyboard

published Sep 28, 2017 05:20   by admin ( last modified Oct 18, 2017 11:00 )

Yes, I sometimes use my blog as a paste board! :)

en dash (tankstreck)

em dash (jättelångt tankstreck)




| |

Non breaking space (between the pipes)



The amount of work needed to listen to a Youtube video...

published Sep 23, 2017 09:35   by admin ( last modified Sep 23, 2017 09:41 )

...on your Android phone is daunting. It doesn't work with the Youtube app since it cuts out when it is not in the foreground. I have now on my destop made an mp3 and hope I can put that back on the phone, so I can listen to the lecture! If I can find an mp3 player that plays in the background. Which did not seem to be installed on my Nexus. If it is, it's hiding.

And how do you move files to and from your Andorid phone in a sane way? The USB tether does not show all files if there are many files in a directory. Google drive back and forth across the world? Ridiculous, I'll tell ya.

And it does not play in my bluetooth headset! I'm pushing into 20 minutes of work now. To listen to one file that was already there to begin with. And Firefox also stops playing it.

It turns out that my Plantronics one-ear headset does not support the AD2P profile, so I cannot listen to it. Do I need to say ridiculous?

Now listening to the mp3 file, via Google Drive, on tethered headphones.

Some reflections on Pippa Malmgren's list of things caused by debt

published Sep 22, 2017 01:20   by admin ( last modified Sep 22, 2017 01:42 )

Pippa Malmgren has written a list on LinkedIn: Through the Looking Glass: We've Reversed our Views on Every Civic Value : Why?  on what debt in society may have contributed to. Below are my answers:

Restraint was good and excess was bad. Now excess inspires – witness the Kardashians and the gold fixtures throughout Trump Tower.

Excess used to be more marketable when mass communication ruled. With mass communication everything becomes idealized: The strongest, the most beautiful, the most lavish (Kim Veltman has written on this, although I cannot find the exact paper now). Internet tempers this. For one example, note people's preference for e.g. amateur porn.

Careers were good. Job hopping was bad. Loyalty to firms is considered crazy now because they are not loyal to you (because the debt means they have to cut costs). Now job hopping is good because you get to spread the risk that you’ll be hurt by any one of your employers.

Debt actually delays a transformation of the economy. If debt would be correctly taken care of, job hopping caused by restructuring would increase tremendously as a consequence.

Truth was good. Lying was bad. Now we live in a "post truth" world where we admire crafty wordsmithing, weaponization of words, clever messaging. We know the names of the previously anonymous spin crafters these days.

This is largely a consequence of communists shifting tactics to "post modernism", basically attacking anything that is constructive, in hopes of diminishing the center and getting a stand off (street fights) with the extreme right. As to why communism remains popular, it probably has to do with the promise of IYIs being bosses in a brand new world. Many intellectuals are acutely uncomfortable with pluralism, markets. They want to feel in control and think people are taking them for a ride with free markets, freedom of speech and so on. The reason commies remain influential is due to Taleb's minority rule. Specifically they are more coherent and focused.

Traditional religion was good and alternative religions were suspect. Now alternative religions gain followers and adherence to any one established local religion is considered a mark of small mindedness. People search for truth in the self-help section of the bookstore.

Religions go through rejuvenations every now and again. Organized religion can sometime lose track of its message and will need some competition.

Savings was good. Now Spending is "good": The Financial Crisis (and its inflation invoking solutions) punished savers and encouraged us to borrow given low interest rates. Debt is so good that governments tell us you can fix the debt problem by adding more debt and by endlessly postponing its repayment.

Yeah, seems about right!

Mainstream Media was trusted. Now clickbaiting plus political bias has caused us to trust Wikileaks and alternative news sources more.     

This is caused by the Internet, not by debt.

Thoughtful, measured responses used to be good (think Bertrand Russell). Now, no one has time to listen and they cannot understand or agree on the meaning of the words. Twitter beats Editorials. Soundbites beat nuanced explanations.

Question is, how many listened to Russell back in the day? It's a bit like musing over how good music used to be, but if you actually listened to a recording of what fare was served music-wise, it is clear that most was rubbish. It can be argued that we now have the most intellectual popular culture fare in history.

Experts were good. Idiots were bad. Now Nassim Taleb calls experts “Intellectual Yet Idiots”. We now like to watch reckless idiocy from comics to reality TV to other arenas.  

This is also caused by the transparency, and confusion, of the Internet. 

Torture was bad. Now torture is good (necessary). The Red Cross has found that more and more people now support torture under certain conditions.

This is a combination I think of not having been exposed to war for some time, and being enveloped in reality distortion bubbles of the Internet, not understanding that what goes around, comes around.

Debate was good. Now debate is bad. Opposing views must be silenced, not entertained. Free Speech was good. Now, Free Speech is bad. The view that "Speech should only be free if we agree with it" gains prevalence.

This is a worrying trend and may be linked to debt insofar as it belies a world view where trying things is not safe. And, post modernism of course.

Marriage was Good. Promiscuity was Bad. We are shocked by marriages that last and admire those who succeed in the promiscuous life and who have multiple marriages. We treat people as disposable items that you simply swipe right for and counsel people to try and have sex without attachment. The media not only condones this but provides detailed explanations to under-age children (witness the outcry over the Teen Vogue Guide to Anal Sex).

This has a lot to do with the liberation of women (marriage benefits men more than women, it seems so women are progressively less keen on it), but may also be caused by debt insofar that the debt society creates an unequal society with worrying interpersonal power dynamics.

Being an individual with self-confidence was good and admirable. Now, being an individual is only good and admirable if enough others confirm it through social soring. Self-confidence is suspect. We admire those who are “liked” and who have many “followers”.

This is caused by the Internet and its ability to give more power to some, both through these people having greater abilities but also due to a network effect. The network effect was already in place and much stronger, during the age of mass communication though.

Learning was Good. Now Learning is bad. Instead, we admire clever “hacks” and shortcuts that don’t waste time because knowledge is easy/ not hard

This is caused by post modernism, and debt could actually come to think of it be a post modern phenomenon!

Scoring people was bad. Now scoring people is good. Scoring a person on attractiveness or “hotness” was bad. Now we like high scoring people and entities - the Facebook effect. China’s new Social Credit Scoring system (an Uber for people) is announced almost without comment.

Again, the network effect, but now we can do the scoring ourselves instead of e.g. the BBC saying who is "hot".

Reading was good. TV was bad. Reading is now seen as a rare, time consuming, seemingly not necessary pastime. Instead, TV now (Netflix) has the best writing and pay scale in the entertainment industry and we admire free YouTubers and Instagrammers

People read immensely on the Internet. And they write!

Spying was Bad. Now, spying is good. After 911, spying was transformed. Instead of aiming at bad individuals, state intelligence aims their efforts at everybody (good or bad) in the hope of catching somebody bad (Prism, Echelon).

It's actually gone the other way, spying is now bad due to campaigns from e.g. Wikileaks. However spying capacity has increased massively, due to a faulty application of technology. Not sure what societal forces to blame there.

Science was good. Now, science is bad. Are scientists willfully trying to make holes in the universe with quantum efforts (thinks of CERN and DWave) or in DNA with the genome? With the advent of AI and robotics, everyone worries about whether robots and AI science will help or hurt us. Note the many warnings from prominent scientists like Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk about unleashing uncontrollable forces.

Biotech is very worrying, with or without debt: Self replicating invasive species.

Technology was Good. Now, technology can be bad.Your IPhone was supposed to make life easier. Now it is your life, which is good and bad.

Improperly applied technology, again unsure of what to blame.

Multilateral was good and bilateralism was bad. Now, this has reversed.

This may be a sign of almost apocalyptic changes, the feeling that most will lose out massively and you have to save yourself. It could also be a sign that some areas of the world are economically important and others not. Not sure about this one. However debt could distort the usefulness you have of multilateralism, maybe.

Price stability was good and inflation was bad. Now we hope for moving prices and desire more inflation.

Yup, the central banks may be in the process of blurring the concept of money. It's now more like points in a computer game. Very post modern.

Orson Welles talks about the time he got some help from Winston Churchill

published Sep 13, 2017 10:31   by admin ( last modified Sep 13, 2017 10:31 )

Orson Welles talks about the time he got some help from Winston Churchill (~3 minutes long)

How to do a diff on a word/character basis rather than on a line basis

published Sep 13, 2017 02:28   by admin ( last modified Sep 13, 2017 02:28 )

How to do a diff on a word/character basis rather than on a line basis

Use git's diff like so:

git diff --word-diff=color --word-diff-regex=. file1 file2


From command line - Using 'diff' (or anything else) to get character-level diff between text files - Stack Overflow

Starting to understand React.js

published Sep 12, 2017 12:10   by admin ( last modified Sep 12, 2017 08:49 )

I've stared at React.s js a couple of times failing to understand it, but this time I think I've got it. Info in this post may change and will be expanded.

So, let's look at one of the code examples of React.js:

class Timer extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {secondsElapsed: 0};

  tick() {
    this.setState((prevState) => ({
      secondsElapsed: prevState.secondsElapsed + 1

  componentDidMount() {
    this.interval = setInterval(() => this.tick(), 1000);

  componentWillUnmount() {

  render() {
    return (
      <div>Seconds Elapsed: {this.state.secondsElapsed}</div>

ReactDOM.render(<Timer />, mountNode);

What we're dealing with above is a class definition. It can be instantiated as an object with this HTML-like construct:

ReactDOM.render(<Timer />, mountNode);

That is not proper javascript but something called JSX: Introducing JSX - React.

This snippet  instantiates the Timer class into an object and attaches the object to a DOM. As can be seen, no quotes are needed around the angle brackets. It could have had initialization parameters, in which case it would look like this:

ReactDOM.render(<Timer foo_"baz" bar="garbl"/>, mountNode);

Looking back at the class definition, we can see that methods are just written as barewords with a trailing bracket for method arguments, followed by curly brackets for the method body. "this" refers to what would be called "self" in e.g. python. There is no "def", "function or "fun" preceding the method name. Ok, looking closer this is actually ES 6 classes: Classes - JavaScript | MDN.

  componentWillUnmount() {


A number of methods are special:

Object methods

  • render()
  • constructor(props) - initializes the object on object creation
  • componentWillMount() - event handler
  • componentDidMount() - event handler
  • componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) - event handler
  • shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) - status handler
  • componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState) - event handler
  • componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) - event handler
  • componentWillUnmount() - event handler
  • setState(updater, [callback]) - mutator, the updater argument is a function, the callback will be executed after the new state has de facto been set, which may happen asynchronously
  • component.forceUpdate(callback)

Class properties

  • defaultProps
  • displayName

Instance Properties

  • props
  • state

For reference, see here: React.Component - React

If we look at the code example where setState is involved:

  tick() {
    this.setState((prevState) => ({
      secondsElapsed: prevState.secondsElapsed + 1

It may first look like prevState is an object being passed into this.setState and where would that come from? But it isn't, because that would be:


...instead what we are looking at is passing in an anonymous function to setState:

    this.setState((prevState) => ({
      secondsElapsed: prevState.secondsElapsed + 1

...where prevState is simply a placeholder for the first argument that the anonymous function will be called with. In fact you could have it as:

  tick() {
    this.setState((foo) => ({
      secondsElapsed: foo.secondsElapsed + 1