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Länk - 10 humanitära katastrofer som fick för lite mediatäckning 2006

published Jan 10, 2007 09:22   by admin ( last modified Jan 10, 2007 09:22 )
Somalia | Central African Republic | Tuberculosis | Chechnya | Sri Lanka | Malnutrition | Democratic Republic of Congo | Colombia | Haiti | Central India

Läs mer: MSF-USA: Special Report: The 10 Most Underreported Humanitarian Crises of 2006

Länk - Ny teknik för leverscanning

published Jan 10, 2007 09:02   by admin ( last modified Jan 10, 2007 09:02 )
Until now, damage could be accurately tested only by sticking a biopsy needle into the liver through the stomach wall. But this damages the liver - and, occasionally, can result in death - so it's not used for routine health screening. But a new machine, which works using similar technology to ultrasound, is able to assess the degree of liver damage a drinker may be doing to themselves.

Läs mer: The FibroScan®: Noninvasive Proof that You Are Drinking too Much - Medgadget -

Länk - Ingen mjölk i teet!

published Jan 10, 2007 09:02   by admin ( last modified Jan 10, 2007 09:02 )
Research published online today in the European Heart Journal (1) has found that the protective effect that tea has on the cardiovascular system is totally wiped out by adding milk.

Läs mer: Milk eliminates cardiovascular health benefits of tea | Science Blog

Länk - Immunrespons kan modereras ner lokalt av lymfsystemet (eller något däri)

published Jan 10, 2007 09:02   by admin ( last modified Jan 10, 2007 09:02 )
"We've discovered that cells not generally thought of as part of the immune system actually play an important role in protecting the intestine from immune system attack," says Turley. "Because the cells are found in lymph nodes throughout the body, they may offer a way of suppressing a variety of autoimmune diseases," which result from immune system assault on healthy tissue.

Läs mer: Why doesn't the immune system attack the small intestine? | Science Blog

Länk - Etikböcker stjäls oftare än snittet

published Jan 10, 2007 09:02   by admin ( last modified Jan 10, 2007 09:02 )
Last month, I noted that ethics books are more likely to be stolen than non-ethics books in philosophy (looking at a large sample of recent ethics and non-ethics books from leading academic libraries).

Läs mer: The Splintered Mind: Still More Data on the Theft of Ethics Books

Spårningsutrustning inuti - mynt!

published Jan 10, 2007 06:32   by admin ( last modified Jan 10, 2007 06:32 )
Uppdatering 21:48 --
Det här kan vara en tidningsanka. Se kommentarerna på Slashdot.

Kanadensiska mynt har försetts med transpondrar, dvs de innehåller en liten sändare och mottagare, vars syfte i förängningen tycks vara att få reda på amerikanska försvarshemligheter.

Canadian coins containing tiny transmitters have mysteriously turned up in the pockets of at least three American contractors who visited Canada, says a branch of the U.S. Defense Department. Security experts believe the miniature devices could be used to track the movements of defence industry personnel dealing in sensitive military technology.

Läs mer: Spies embedding tiny transmitters in Canadian coins, U.S. report says - Yahoo! Canada News

Malmögata hittad under död krokodil

published Jan 09, 2007 11:51   by admin ( last modified Jan 09, 2007 11:51 )
En malmögata har hittats under en död krokodil. Experter säger att det är ovanligt, och att det är vanligare att hitta gräs, lera eller vatten under en död krokodil.

Det är oklart hur malmögatan hamnat under krokodilen.

Länk - Saker som kan fastna i en magnetröntgen (stolar, typ)

published Jan 08, 2007 05:06   by admin ( last modified Jan 08, 2007 05:06 )
Once you've been in the MRI field for any length of time, you start hearing all of the various horror stories about things that have flown into a scanner. Often, newcomers don't take the real danger of flying objects seriously until they witness an oxygen tank or gurney flying into a magnet themselves. This page will contain a collection of pictures and stories of metalic projectiles. Please show this page to all MRI newcomers, for their own safety and the safety of their patients!

Läs mer: Flying Objects!

Länk - Nytt buzzword: Augmented cognition

published Jan 07, 2007 02:01   by admin ( last modified Jan 07, 2007 02:01 )
Whereas brain-computer interfaces enable people to control various aspects of their environment, the goal of augmented cognition is to determine peoples’ cognitive state in order to enhance it.

Läs mer: Augmented cognition: Science fact or science fiction? « Neurophilosophy

Länk - Amerikanerna på plats om Saddams avrättning

published Jan 07, 2007 02:01   by admin ( last modified Jan 07, 2007 02:01 )
But the story of how American commanders and diplomats fought to halt the execution until midnight on Friday, only six hours before Hussein was hanged, is only now coming into focus, as Iraqi and American officials, in the glare of international outrage over the hanging, compete with their versions of what happened.

Läs mer: Iraqi and U.S. officials feuded over Saddam's hanging - International Herald Tribune

Länk - Dr Petra Boyntons sexförutsägelser för 2007

published Jan 06, 2007 11:50   by admin ( last modified Jan 06, 2007 11:50 )
Every New Year I try and predict the main issues around sex and relationships we can expect see in the year ahead.

Läs mer: Dr Petra Boynton I Blog I Sex predictions for 2007

Länk - meebo - chatta i många protokoll från en webbsida

published Jan 06, 2007 02:27   by admin ( last modified Jan 06, 2007 02:27 ) is a website for instant messaging from absolutely anywhere. Whether you’re at home, on campus, at work, or traveling foreign lands, hop over to on any computer to access all of your buddies (on AIM, Yahoo!, MSN, Google Talk, ICQ and Jabber) and chat with them, no downloads or installs required, for free!

Läs mer: meeblog » about

Länk - Kvinnomisshandel i Mongoliet

published Jan 06, 2007 01:54   by admin ( last modified Jan 06, 2007 01:54 )
Physical abuse is terrifyingly common in Mongolia, but it was the first time I was an eye-witness to it. I talked to my boss about it, and she said that abuse centers are sprouting up, with housing, because most of these women stay with their husbands because they have nowhere else to go.

Läs mer: A Year In Mongolia: Abuse

Länk - Vitamin B12 hjälpte inte vid hjärt-kärlsjukdomar

published Jan 06, 2007 01:46   by admin ( last modified Jan 06, 2007 01:46 )
Vitamin B12 reduces the blood levels of homocysteine, a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, but the reduction apparently has no effect on survival. The review covered 12 studies with a total of 16,598 participants who had pre-existing illness.

Läs mer: Fish oil for Mom may benefit her child - Health & Science - International Herald Tribune (Det står en bit ner i artikeln den här gången)

Länk - Fiskolja kan vara bra för fostrets hjärna

published Jan 06, 2007 01:46   by admin ( last modified Jan 06, 2007 01:46 )
But after controlling for maternal age, birth weight, breast- feeding and other factors, the children of the women who took fish oil were significantly better at hand-eye coordination than those of the women who took the olive oil supplement.

Läs mer: Fish oil for Mom may benefit her child - Health & Science - International Herald Tribune

Mediafiaskohängningen i Irak ökar arabiskt shiahat

published Jan 06, 2007 01:41   by admin ( last modified Jan 06, 2007 01:41 )
Iraks regering har visat sig inkompetent vad gäller den avrättning som gjordes av Saddam Hussein.

Att avrätta i sig var inte speciellt lyckat, men att man har så dålig styrsel på de som skulle utföra hängningen visar på en monumental inkompetens. USA har gjort en strategisk blunder, om än med goda föresatser, när man avstått från att styra mer.

Mediabilder tycks vara viktiga i arabvärlden, förmodligen på grund av den skriande brist på verklig makt människor har över sina liv. Den långsiktiga lösningen måste vara att öka makten, för det går i längden inte att pacificera människor med myter och bilder, ens om man gör allt rätt.

Far from a solemn proceeding by a dispassionate state, Saddam's execution has been framed as an act of sectarian vengeance shrouded in political theater and overseen by an American occupation that has resulted in little more than humiliation and tragedy for Iraqis. "If Saddam had media planners he could not have planned it better than this," said Daoud Kuttab, an Arab media critic and director of the online radio station "Nobody could ever have imagined that Saddam would have gone down with such dignity."

Läs mer: Images of hanging make Hussein a martyr to many - International Herald Tribune

TV4 påstår att hela folkpartiet vill förbjuda andra språk än svenska i skolan

published Jan 05, 2007 08:10   by admin ( last modified Jan 05, 2007 08:10 )

På nyhetsmorgon just nu (08:24) påannonserar en&nbsp; av programledarna (den kvinnliga) en diskussion med att "Folkpartiet vill förbjuda andra språk än svenska i skolan". Det är ju inte sant. Det är ju ett lokalt förslag, som den andre programledaren senare fyller i för att försöka rädda situationen. Han blir då avfärdad av programledare nummer 1 med att det finns riksdagsledamöter som tycker så.<br><br>Detta är ett oseriöst arbete av programledare 1. Det är inte ett folkpartiförslag på det sätt som hon försöker påskina.<br>

Länk - Nordkoreas kemiska och biologiska vapen

published Jan 05, 2007 08:02   by admin ( last modified Jan 05, 2007 08:02 )
Former prisoner Lee Sun Ok described one such test before the U.S. House Committee on International Relations: "In February 1990, I was asked by the chief guard to follow him to an administration warehouse ... He ordered me to check out six bundles (five pairs in each bundle) of gas masks with rubber gowns, which looked like a sea diver's kit. When I returned to my prison chamber, a total of 150 prisoners, several from each unit, were selected and separated from the other[s]. The selected prisoners were mostly crippled and weak women who had less labor value." Later, said Lee, "I saw many prisoners lying on the slope of a hill, bleeding from their mouths and motionless, enveloped by strange fumes and surrounded by scores of guards in the gas masks ... I delivered earlier in the morning."

Läs mer: North Korea's Biochemical Weapons Threat - After Nuclear Test, Kim Jong Il's Toxic Arsenal - Popular Mechanics

Länk - Gratis webbsajtdesajner

published Jan 05, 2007 05:48   by admin ( last modified Jan 05, 2007 05:48 )
Our goal is to create a community owned and managed site, where users can share their free website designs and templates, discuss web design, and promote their services. is owned and operated by The Open Design Community, a nonprofit organization headed by a board of 3 administrators and 10 moderators.

Läs mer: Open Design Community - Download Free Web Design Templates -

Länk - Ämne kan hjälpa att detektera Alzheimers

published Jan 05, 2007 05:47   by admin ( last modified Jan 05, 2007 05:47 )
In the study to be published in Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine, Gary Small and his colleagues discovered that the chemical allowed doctors to pick out which of 83 volunteers had Alzheimer's, which had mild memory problems, and which were functioning normally for their age. It was 98 percent accurate in determining the difference between Alzheimer's and mild cognitive impairment.

Läs mer: New chemical gives insight into Alzheimer's - Yahoo! News