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Länk - Kina bränner mest kol i världen

published Nov 27, 2006 09:56   by admin ( last modified Nov 27, 2006 09:56 )
Already, China uses more coal than the United States, the European Union and Japan combined. Every week to 10 days, another coal- fired power plant opens somewhere in China.

Läs mer: Taming King Coal - Opinion - International Herald Tribune

Länk - Mer om Poloniummordet i London

published Nov 27, 2006 07:37   by admin ( last modified Nov 27, 2006 07:37 )
"No individual could do this," said John Large, an independent nuclear consultant. "What you are talking about is the creation of a very clever little device, a designer poison pill, possibly created by nanotechnology. Without nanotechnology you would be talking about a fairly big pill, a pea-sized pill. Either way you are looking at intricate technology which is beyond the means and designs of a hired assassin without a state sponsor." He said the likely poison pill that killed Mr Litvinenko would have to have been manufactured in a special laboratory over two or three weeks and then used very quickly - possibly within 28 days - because the half-life of the isotope polonium is only 138 days.

Läs mer: Police head for Russia amid doubts over 'lone poisoner' | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited

Länk - Ryska vapen beväpnar islamister

published Nov 27, 2006 07:29   by admin ( last modified Nov 27, 2006 07:29 )
The Russian weapons used by Hezbollah in the July fighting with Israel were new and routed through Syria. Intelligence sources say Bout was spotted in Beirut during the fighting, shortly before the sophisticated armor-piercing Fagot and Kornet anti-tank missiles were discovered. Interesting coincidence. When the Israelis presented the Russians with overwhelming evidence of the armament, it was publicly dismissed, but a senior official in the Russian arms export enterprise was reportedly dismissed to placate the outside world. Finally, there are Bout’s actions in the Horn of Africa where, again with official Russian support, his aircraft have been spotted delivering weapons to the Islamic Court militias in Somalia and arming the Islamist allies in Eritrea.

Läs mer: Douglas Farah

Polonium ett lurigt, svårdetekterat och svårproducerat gift

published Nov 26, 2006 01:40   by admin ( last modified Nov 26, 2006 01:40 )
Det gift som tog livet av dissidenten Alexander Litvinenko är inte alldeles enkelt att tillverka. Det kräver tilllgång till en kärnreaktor som man använder strålning från till att bombardera vismut. Ingenting man gör i köket; vi talar stormaktsbackning här, tycks det som.
Polonium är visserligen radioaktivt, men bara med alfa-strålning, en strålning som inte detekteras av radioaktivitetsmätare, vilket gör giftet lätt att smuggla. Det är också ofarligt för den som hanterar det, så länge det inte kommer in i kroppen via t ex matsmältningen eller via lungorma. Väl inne så är det däremot kört.

Polonium 210 does its damage by emitting alpha particles, which have enough energy to tear apart the genetic machinery of cells, killing them outright or causing them to mutate into tumor-producing forms. It gives off 5,000 times more alpha particles than does the same amount of radium.

Läs mer: A Rare Material and a Surprising Weapon - New York Times

Pengarna som driver våldet i Irak

published Nov 26, 2006 01:30   by admin ( last modified Nov 26, 2006 01:30 )
Follow the money - följ pengarna, säger man ofta när man ska försöka hitta drivkrafterna bakom skeenden.

En hemligstämplad amerikansk rapport menar att våldet i Irak är välfinansierat, genom lösensummor för kidnappningar, och genom oljepengar bl a. Och att det blir svårt att stoppa detta:
...groups responsible for many of the insurgent and terrorist attacks are raising $70 million to $200 million a year from illegal activities. It says that $25 million to $100 million of the total comes from oil smuggling and other criminal activity involving the state-owned oil industry aided by “corrupt and complicit” Iraqi officials. As much as $36 million a year comes from ransoms paid to save hundreds of kidnap victims in Iraq, the report said.

Det är alltså en slags organiserad bottslighet vi har att göra med.

Läs mer: U.S. Finds Iraq Insurgency Has Funds to Sustain Itself - New York Times

Länk - Ryssland levererar luftvärn till Iran

published Nov 25, 2006 11:33   by admin ( last modified Nov 25, 2006 11:33 )
Russia has begun delivery of Tor-M1 air defense missile systems to Iran, a Defense Ministry official said Friday, confirming that Moscow would proceed with arms deals with Tehran in spite of U.S. criticism.

Läs mer: Russia sends missiles to Iran -

Länk - Så funkar giftet Polonium

published Nov 25, 2006 11:07   by admin ( last modified Nov 25, 2006 11:07 )
Den ryska dissidenten Alexander Valterovich Litvinenko har förgiftats av grundämnet Polonium. Enligt Wikipedia så är ämnet högst radioaktivt och finns i olika isotoper. Det tycks vara alfastrålningen som är det farliga. Alfastrålning når inte så långt, men om det sprider sig runt i kroppen är det väl kört ändå.

Gränsvärden och dödlighet för Polonium:

Polonium is a highly radioactive and toxic element and is dangerous to handle. Even in milligram or microgram amounts, handling polonium-210 is very dangerous and requires special equipment used with strict procedures. Direct damage occurs from energy absorption into tissues from alpha particles. The maximum allowable body burden for ingested polonium is only 1100 becquerels (0.03 microcurie), which is equivalent to a particle weighing only 6.8 × 10-12 gram. Weight for weight polonium is approximately 2.5 × 1011 times as toxic as hydrogen cyanide. The maximum permissible concentration for airborne soluble polonium compounds is about 7,500 Bq/m3 (2 × 10-11 µCi/cm3). Polonium has been found in tobacco smoke from tobacco leaves grown at some specific places, as a contaminant [2] [3] and in uranium ores. Use as a poison At a committed effective dose equivalent (CEDE) of 5.14×10−7 Sieverts per Becquerel (1.9×103 mrem/microcurie) for ingested 210Po and a specific activity of 1.66×1014 Bq/gram (4.49×103 Curies/gram)[4] the amount of material required to produce a lethal dose of 10 Sieverts would be only .12 micrograms (1.17×10−7g).

Läs mer: Polonium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Länk - Svårt bli frikänd i Asien

published Nov 24, 2006 12:58   by admin ( last modified Nov 24, 2006 12:58 )
Kina och Japan frikänner väldigt få människor som blivit anklagade, medan Taiwan frikänner fler.

he acquittal rate in Japan is less than 1 percent. [Source] (For a good study of the Japanese criminal prosecution system, see David Johnson, The Japanese Way of Justice: Prosecuting Crime in Japan (2002), reviewed here.) Interestingly, Taiwan's acquittal rate is 12% [source] - lower than the US but still in the same ballpark, while conspicuously higher than that of Japan or South Korea, to whose criminal justice systems its own bears a much higher formal resemblance.

Läs mer: Chinese Law Prof Blog: China's low acquittal rate

Det är inte vilka gener du har, utan hur många kopior

published Nov 23, 2006 11:23   by admin ( last modified Nov 23, 2006 11:23 )
När man tittat på människans gener förut har man med de metoder som använts bara noterat olika gener och hur olika varianter kan påverka oss att bli olika, få olika genetiskt betingade sjukdomar osv.

Nu visar det sig att det ofta är viktigare hur många kopior man har av en gen (kan också vara andra transformationer). Och om man tänker efter så är ju det ganska rimligt, vi har ju alla två ben , en hjärna, slemhinnor, en lever osv, så det är väl rimligt att skillnader mer har att gör med hur mycket av någon byggsten eller enzym vi har och producerar.

Denna nya insikt om dupliceringens betydelse innebär också att den genetiska skillnaden mellan människor, med detta i åtanke,  är större än vad man tidigare menat.

The conclusions are dramatic: "I believe this paper will change forever the field of human genetics," commented Professor James R. Lupski, Vice Chair, Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas. "One can no longer consider human traits as resulting primarily from single base-pair changes or influenced only by SNPs. With all due respect to Watson and Crick, many Mendelian and complex traits, as well as sporadic diseases, may indeed result from structural variation of the genome."

Läs mer: Genetics finding hailed as major breakthrough | Science Blog

Uppdatering 2006-11-24: Läs mer hos vetenskapsnytt

EUobserver a bit *too* EU-centric...

published Nov 23, 2006 05:52   by admin ( last modified Nov 23, 2006 05:52 )
Australia is the first non-European country in the democracy index coming in at number eight, followed by Canada and Switzerland.

Switzerland is in Europe, pretty much smack dab in the middle.

Read more:

Dyrare olja = mer förtryck

published Nov 23, 2006 01:58   by admin ( last modified Nov 23, 2006 01:58 )
Thomas Friedman menar att en dyr olja direkt leder till ökat förtryck i världen i de länder som exporterar olja (undantaget Norge och några till så klart):

The First Law of Petropolitics, in short, argues that the price of oil and the pace of freedom operate in an inverse correlation. As the price of oil goes up in what I call petroauthoritarian states—like Iran, Sudan, Venezuela—the pace of freedom goes down. These regimes can afford to be less responsive to their people and outside pressure. And as the price of oil goes down, the pace of freedom goes up because these regimes have to open up to the world if they want to deliver for their people, and they have to empower their people more. When oil was $30 a barrel, Iran was calling for a dialogue of civilizations. At $70 a barrel, Iran is calling for the destruction of Israel.

Låter rimligt. Och det innebär att utveckling av alternativa energikällor inte bara har miljömässiga argument för sig utan också humanistiska. Även olja producerad på annat sätt än från diktaturer, t ex på syntetisk väg eller från bitumen i demokratiska länder, får ses som goda krafter i framtiden.

Läs mer: Q&A: Tom Friedman on U.S. Oil Addiction - Newsweek Entertainment -

Hittat via Dibbuk.

Länk - "Hizbollah, Syrien och Iran dyra att bekämpa"

published Nov 22, 2006 11:24   by admin ( last modified Nov 22, 2006 11:24 )
But the price of seriously engaging Syria and Iran will be enormously high. It may be viewed as necessary, but ultimately it will be extremely high. Hezbollah, according to recent intelligence estimates, receives some $200 million a year in combined revenue from Iran, Syria, and diasporas in West Africa and Latin America, particularly the Tri-Border Area. That is a significant amount of money that enables it to be a political force far beyond its natural constituency. It has shown its willingness to carry out terrorist attacks against the United States and against other countries at the behest of Iran (the Buenos Aires bombing in the mid 1990s). Giving Iran and Syria-and their allies in Lebanon-a favored seat at the negotiating table, and before negotiations have even begun, to give them the upper hand, is a dangerous proposition.

Läs mer: Douglas Farah

Länk - "Biologiska vapen hos Iran Syrien och Nordkorea"

published Nov 22, 2006 11:21   by admin ( last modified Nov 22, 2006 11:21 )
Addressing the opening session of the sixth review conference of the Convention on Biological Weapons (BWC), U.S. delegation head John C. Rood said those countries were of particular concern given their "support for terrorism". "We believe that Iran probably has an offensive biological weapons programme in violation of the BWC," Rood said. "We also believe North Korea has a biological weapons capability and may have developed, produced and weaponised for use. "Finally, we remain seriously concerned that Syria ... has conducted research and development for an offensive BW programme," he said.

Läs mer: Iran Focus-Iran probably has germ weapons, possibly N.Korea-US - Iran (General) - News

Länk - Sverige i topp i Economists demokrati-index

published Nov 22, 2006 10:26   by admin ( last modified Nov 22, 2006 10:26 )
The index provides a snapshot of the current state of democracy for 165 independent states and two territories.
 Sweden, a near-perfect democracy, comes top, followed by a bevy of similarly virtuous northern European countries.

Läs mer: The World In 2007 | A pause in democracys march

Länk - Framsteg i att återskapa organ

published Nov 18, 2006 11:35   by admin ( last modified Nov 18, 2006 11:35 )
"In this simple experiment, we removed part of the chick embryo's wing, activated Wnt signaling, and got the whole limb back - a beautiful and perfect wing," said the lead author, Juan Carlos Izpis�a Belmonte, Ph.D., a professor in the Gene Expression Laboratory. "By changing the expression of a few genes, you can change the ability of a vertebrate to regenerate their limbs, rebuilding blood vessels, bone, muscles, and skin - everything that is needed."

Wnt heter signalsystemet man manipulerar, och man klarar inte av det än i människor, och det finns problem: Stimulerar man det för länge ger det cancer.

Läs mer: Scientist regrow chicken wing | Science Blog

Länk - Neandertalförfäder?

published Nov 06, 2006 09:03   by admin ( last modified Nov 06, 2006 09:03 )
The bottom line is that the bones are modern (i.e., not Neandertal), but they include features that are common in Neandertals. Almost all the other European bones of early Upper Paleolithic date also have Neandertal features. The number and frequency of such features in this earliest Upper Paleolithic sample are greater than in any later sample. In other words, they look like they have genes from Neandertals. And those genes declined in frequency or effect over time.

Läs mer: John Hawks Anthropology Weblog : 2006 11

Länk - Lite för mycket bevis för atombombsmeckande...

published Nov 06, 2006 08:59   by admin ( last modified Nov 06, 2006 08:59 )
Last March, the federal government set up a Web site to make public a vast archive of Iraqi documents captured during the war. The Bush administration did so under pressure from Congressional Republicans who had said they hoped to “leverage the Internet” to find new evidence of the prewar dangers posed by Saddam Hussein. But in recent weeks, the site has posted some documents that weapons experts say are a danger themselves: detailed accounts of Iraq’s secret nuclear research before the 1991 Persian Gulf war. The documents, the experts say, constitute a basic guide to building an atom bomb.

Läs mer: U.S. Web Archive Is Said to Reveal a Nuclear Primer - New York Times

Blogga snabbare

published Nov 02, 2006 11:00   by admin ( last modified Nov 02, 2006 11:00 )
Ett bokmärke med javascript, en sk bookmarklet, kan snabba upp bloggandet avsevärt.

Tidigare när jag bloggat har ett antal steg, för många, behövts för att göra en bloggpost:

  • Starta på sidan man vill blogga om
  • Kopiera ut text som man vill citera, ur sidan
  • Gå till sin blogg, skapa ny bloggpost
  • Skriva titel på bloggposten
  • Klistra in citat
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Nu går det lite snabbare:
  • Starta på sidan man vill blogga om
  • Markera en bit text
  • Klicka på ett bokmärke, en dialogbox frågar efter titel
  • Bloggposten dyker upp i nytt fönster i redigeringsläge, med titel och citat ifyllda. Dessutom inns en länk, "Läs mer", med titel, länkad till sidan man bloggar om
  • Tryck spara
  • publicera
De två sista stegen kan dessutom automatiseras bort, vilket ger 3 steg, när man väl är på sidan man vill blogga om, mot 10 steg innan!

Hur görs nu detta? Jo, hemligheten är en bookmarklet. En bookmarklet är ett bokmärke som istället för en webbadress innehåller en bit javascript. I mitt fall följande:

javascript:var titel= prompt('Svensk titel');var notes='';if(window.getSelection)notes=window.getSelection();else if(document.getSelection)notes=document.getSelection();else if(document.selection)notes=document.selection.createRange().text;if( notes.length>350)notes=notes.substring(0,349);location.href=' http://yourserver.domain/create_blog_entry?url='+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'&title='+encodeURIComponent(document.title)+'&snippet='+encodeURIComponent(notes)+'&titel='+encodeURIComponent(titel)
(använd och testad med Firefox än så länge)

Den är huvudsakligen snodd från en bookmarklet för (från diskussionen på sidan). Jag har lagt till dialogruta för svensk titel.

När jag klickar på bookmarkleten så frågar den efter en titel och sedan anropar den min server som skapar en bloggpost baserad på originaltitel, url, markerat textstycke och den svenska titel jag slog in i dialogrutan.

Nästa steg är att göra en variant som automatpublicerar och -klassificerar, det senare mha kunskap om vilka sajter som innehåller vilken typ av info.

Nu bloggar jag i Plone, där det är väldigt enkelt att lägga till nya kodobjekt. För ditt system (som förmodligen är någon PHP-variant), måste också en bit kod finnas som tar emot URL-strängen och skapar bloggposten.

I de fall jag snabbloggar, dvs inte lägger till någonting til den automatskapade bloggposten, så har jag valt att automatiskt ha ordet "Länk" först i titeln, och att inte anmäla inläggen till, eftersom snabbloggar ju närmast är att betrakta bara som glorifierade bokmärken.

DNA-virus utplockat och "driftsatt" på egen hand

published Nov 02, 2006 10:00   by admin ( last modified Nov 02, 2006 10:00 )
En del av vår genetiska kod innehåller sekvenser som är virus som permanent har tagit sig in i vår arvsmassa. Ett sådant virus har man nu tagit baklänges, dvs plockat ut ur arvsmassan och gett liv som egen fri agent. Var det så bra?

Others worry that the study sets a dangerous precedent. Although it was approved by the French research ministry's Genetic Engineering Committee, Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University in New Jersey, says any study that creates new viruses or activates old ones should be subject to a special review at the national or international level. What's more, he says, because the researchers couldn't be absolutely sure about Phoenix's infectivity, the study should have been carried out under Biosafety level 4 conditions--the best-protected labs available--instead of the level 3 conditions utilized.

Läs mer: Viral Fossil Brought Back to Life -- Enserink 2006 (1101): 4 -- ScienceNOW

"Det var så hemskt att jag inte kunde sova" - en bra reaktion

published Nov 02, 2006 04:20   by admin ( last modified Nov 02, 2006 04:20 )
Om man sover efter en emotionellt hemsk upplevelse så  graveras uplevelsen starkare in i minnet.  Om man hindrar människor att sova efter en traumatisk upplevelse så sätter sig upplevelsen mindre starkt. (Och i vardagen, bör man nog åtminstone inte se skräckfilmer innan man går och lägger sig.)
From a clinical perspective, our results suggest the use of sleep deprivation in the immediate aftermath of traumatic events as a possible therapeutic measure to prevent a long-term engravement of these events in memory, thereby at least partly counteracting the development of PTSD as a disease thought to reflect overconsolidated emotional memories.

Läs mer: Mind Hacks: Keeping trauma victims awake may prevent PTSD