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Länk - Internationella brottmålsdomstolen nämner namn i Darfur

published Feb 28, 2007 10:07   by admin ( last modified Feb 28, 2007 10:07 )
In a 94-page prosecution document filed with the court's judges, Luis Moreno-Ocampo singled out Ahmad Muhammad Harun, now a state minister for humanitarian affairs who was state minister of the interior, along with Ali Muhammad Ali Abd-al-Rahman (also known as Ali Kushayb), a leader of the Darfur militia known as the Janjaweed, in a total of 51 crimes against humanity and war crimes. The filing marked the first accusations against named individuals as a prelude to a trial.

Läs mer: Sudanese Pair Accused of War Crimes -

Testa om din blogg är blockerad i Kina

published Feb 28, 2007 06:15   by admin ( last modified Feb 28, 2007 06:15 )

Denna sajt påstår sig kunna kolla om en sajt är blockerad i Kina. Min sajt var blockerad enligt den, så även t ex Johan Norbergs. Kanske de kinesiska myndigheterna också "använder" sajten för att få förslag på sajter att blocka? De kan nog analysera trafiken inom landet och se vilken testserver som används. Min sajt är rätt långsam, så kanske de bara var otåliga? Å andra sidan brukade jag få träffar från baidu (av någon anledning) och det får jag inte längre. Har provat två gånger nu.

Nu tycker jag att alla sajter jag testar (t ex blockas. Hmm... Nä, går igenom!

Här en lista på några svenska sajter som de anser vara blockerade:

(dessa låg i listan, inte pingade av mig)

Vilka resultat får ni?

Länk - Microsoft tjänar pengar på felstavade url:er i Internet Explorer

published Feb 28, 2007 05:13   by admin ( last modified Feb 28, 2007 05:13 )
Click on any of these ads and Microsoft earns anywhere from a few cents to a few dollars, thereby profiting from a typo of Lexus Financial's trademark. Pretty sneaky! If a domainer were to actually register such a typo domain and profit from it, wouldn't he run the immediate risk of losing the domain and facing expensive lawsuits? Case in point: The typo domain (same as our example but without the dash) actually exists and is in the process of being taken away from its original registrant by Lexus. Lexus had brought a cybersquatting complaint before the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center under ICANN's Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP).

Läs mer: Microsoft Quietly Making Untold Millions » Daily Domainer

Länk - En tvåbent gående robot som verkligen kan balansera

published Feb 28, 2007 05:13   by admin ( last modified Feb 28, 2007 05:13 )
A dynamically balancing robot is really something to see. You can't turn away from it. It's so shockingly anthropomorphic. Because it walks like you do, you sense what it's feeling. But of course it wasn't (just) for entertainment that Trevor built this thing. Any robot for use in real world situations has to balance dynamically, because you can't predict what surface it would have to walk on.

Läs mer: Dexter Walks

Länk - Färre avrättningsmord i Bagdad

published Feb 28, 2007 03:11   by admin ( last modified Feb 28, 2007 03:11 )
Figures compiled by The Associated Press from police reports show that the number of bullet-riddled bodies found in the streets this month totaled 628 as of Monday night. That was down from the 1,079 in January and 1,379 in December. Such killings have generally been attributed to sectarian death squads - including Shiite militiamen, Sunni insurgents or rogue elements within the mostly Shiite army and police.

Läs mer: Santa Barbara News-Press

Indien: FN-stött team befriar minderåriga från horhus - polisen skickar tillbaka dem

published Feb 28, 2007 03:10   by admin ( last modified Feb 28, 2007 03:10 )
Ett FN-stött team bestående av bl a poliser och socialarbetare befriare minderåriga som hålls som sexslavar i New Delhi. Polisen skickar tillbaka dem eftersom de tycker att de inte finns plats på polisstationen och ber dem komma tillbaka på morgonen - det gjorde de inte. Det måste vara väldigt frustrerande för de som gjorde befrielseinsatsen från början, och tragiskt för barnen.

An AP police official said that they interrogated and counselled the victims. “Then on the plea that women cannot be kept in a police station overnight, the local police sent the minor girls back to the brothels. They assured us that they would be back in the morning.” But by morning, all the girls had been spirited away.

Läs mer: Rescued minors sent back to brothels

Länk - Stort korttidsminne leder till försämring under stress?

published Feb 27, 2007 11:26   by admin ( last modified Feb 27, 2007 11:26 )
Beilock and Carr speculate that people with larger working memories grow to rely on working memory more for problem-solving. When the availability of working memory is decreased by an anxiety-producing situation, then their problem-solving ability also declines. So working memory is indeed tied to performance under stress, but in exactly the opposite way you might expect.

Läs mer: Cognitive Daily: Why some of us choke under pressure

Länk - Irakiska regeringen överens om oljevinstfördelning!

published Feb 27, 2007 10:07   by admin ( last modified Feb 27, 2007 10:07 )
The Iraqi cabinet approved a draft of a law Monday that would set guidelines for countrywide distribution of oil revenues and foreign investment in the immense oil industry. The endorsement was a major agreement of the country's ethnic and sectarian political blocs on one of Iraq's most divisive issues.

Läs mer: Iraq cabinet approves draft oil law - International Herald Tribune

Bild - Man fejkar Gucciparfym-uppslag med bild på sig själv halvnaken - publiceras

published Feb 27, 2007 09:58   by admin ( last modified Feb 27, 2007 09:58 )
Det här är sanslöst roligt, tycker jag. En man tar en bild på sig själv halvnaken, sätter en Gucci-flaska framför, och lyckas få den publicerad som äkta Gucci-reklam i en Schweizisk tidning. Och då snackar vi ett helt uppslag. Hey laaaadies!

In Switzerland, it doesn’t take much to be in a Gucci ad campaign. You photograph yourself naked, add a perfume bottle and the Gucci logo, send it to a weekly paper, and have them bill Gucci directly for the $50,000.

Läs mer: adfreak: Swiss paper publishes this bogus Gucci ad

Länk - Parasitinfektion effektiv mot MS i litet test

published Feb 27, 2007 05:47   by admin ( last modified Feb 27, 2007 05:47 )
During the study period, there were three clinical relapses of MS in the infected group and 56 relapses in the uninfected group.

Läs mer: Parasite infection may benefit MS patients | Science Blog

Islamister dominerar i södra Thailand

published Feb 26, 2007 12:39   by admin ( last modified Feb 26, 2007 12:39 )
I södra Thailand finns tre provinser, Yala, Narathiwat och Pattani, där majoriteten av befolkningen är muslimsk.

På senare tid har närmast urskillningslöst våld från islamister mot civilbefolkningen i dessa provinser skärpt motsättningar mellan muslimer och buddister. Buddistmunkar har dödats, och även moderata muslimska ledare. Den thailändska militären har valt en mjukare linje alltsedan regimskiftet, men den verkar inte fungera. Inga krav har ställts från terroristerna, utan syftet tycka för närvarande vara att skärpa motsättningar och att utföra etnisk rensning. Bland muslimer har gummiarbetare, byledare och lärare attackerats.
Human Rights Watch counted more than 6,000 violent incidents over the past three years. It said that more than 60 teachers and 10 students had been killed and 110 schools — the most visible signs of central government authority in many places — had been set ablaze.
Jag har en stark känsla av att islamisterna i denna region är tränade och indoktrinerade utifrån.
A new policy of conciliation pursued by Thailand's junta since it took power in a coup five months ago has been met by increased violence, including a barrage of 28 coordinated bombings in the south that killed or injured about 60 people a week ago. "The momentum of violence is now beyond the control of government policy," said Srisompob Jitpiromsri, a political scientist at Prince of Songkhla University here. "The separatists can pick and choose the time and place of the violence without any effective resistance," he said. "They have the upper hand."


The two religions had coexisted through the years, although often in separate villages. Observers say this mutual tolerance is breaking down and there are fears of a sectarian conflict that could flare out of control.

"Buddhist monks have been hacked to death, clubbed to death, bombed and burned to death," said Sunai Phasuk, a political analyst with the Human Rights Watch monitoring group. "This has never happened before. This is a new aspect of violence in the south."

Läs mer: Muslim insurgency stokes fear in southern Thailand - International Herald Tribune

Länk - Människa - chimpans skilde sig för 4 miljoner år sedan, enligt analys med Hidden Markov Model

published Feb 26, 2007 09:05   by admin ( last modified Feb 26, 2007 09:05 )
The genealogical relationship of human, chimpanzee, and gorilla varies along the genome. We develop a hidden Markov model (HMM) that incorporates this variation and relate the model parameters to population genetics quantities such as speciation times and ancestral population sizes. Our HMM is an analytically tractable approximation

Läs mer: PLoS Genetics - Genomic Relationships and Speciation Times of Human, Chimpanzee, and Gorilla Inferred from a Coalescent Hidden Markov Model

Länk - Hizbollah grupperar i bergen, underjordiska raketramper

published Feb 26, 2007 08:57   by admin ( last modified Feb 26, 2007 08:57 )
Christian and Druze-owned land is being bought for cash by a Shia businessman. Hezbollah’s opponents believe the goal is to create a Shia-populated belt spanning the northern bank of the Litani, allowing the Lebanese group to operate away from prying eyes.

Läs mer: Hezbollah regroups in a new mountain stronghold-News-World-Middle East-TimesOnline

Länk - Barndom och dess behanding

published Feb 24, 2007 12:59   by admin ( last modified Feb 24, 2007 12:59 )
Emile Durkind was perhaps the first to speculate about sociological causes of childhood. He points out two key observations about children: 1) the vast majority of children are unemployed, and 2) children represent one of the least educated segments of our society.


Världens häftigaste sluss: The Falkirk Wheel

published Feb 24, 2007 11:57   by admin ( last modified Feb 24, 2007 11:57 )

Det här måste vara världens häftigaste sluss. Det som ser ut som en gångbro längst upp är den vattennivå slussen lyfter till.<br><img src="/images/falkirk"><br><br><br>

<embed style="width: 400px; height: 326px;" id="VideoPlayback" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src=";hl=en" flashvars="">

Luftdriven bil på väg till marknaden

published Feb 24, 2007 05:18   by admin ( last modified Feb 24, 2007 05:18 )
En fransk tidigare racerbilsmotorkonstruktör har under tio år utvecklat en luftdriven bil som ska komma ut på marknaden i år enligt hans företag.

Innehåller verkligen komprimerad luft tillräckligt mycket energi för att driva en bil så här? Om det är sant så kan man ju också tänka sig en massa lokala kraftverk som med alla möjliga snurror (eller solenergi) laddar upp tankar med komprimerad luft.

Såg i videon nu att tankarna ska vara fyllda till 200 bar och göras av kompositmaterial.

MDI (Motor Development International), the brainchild of a French engineer who once designed Formula One engines, plans to have air-driven cars available on the market later this year. They will be available in 2, 4 and 6-cyclinder "flavors" and starting at a price of $15,000. These vehicles use Compressed Air Technology (CAT) as opposed to the regular internal combustion of the fossil-fuelled engines where small explosions of fuel push the pistons up and down. In CAT engines, compressed air pushes the pistons up and down

Läs mer: Digital Journal - Car Runs on Compressed Air
Tillverkarens webbsajt

Länk - Luftkonditionering i boomländer förstör ozonlagret

published Feb 23, 2007 10:28   by admin ( last modified Feb 23, 2007 10:28 )
But thanks in part to an explosion of demand for air conditioners in hot places like India and southern China — mostly relying on refrigerants already banned in Europe and in the process of being phased out in the United States — the ozone layer is proving very hard to repair.

Läs mer: Cool rooms in Asia warming the planet - International Herald Tribune

Nya radiaksymbolen från FN - substitut för åtgärder?

published Feb 22, 2007 11:34   by admin ( last modified Feb 22, 2007 11:34 )
FN (IEAA) har gjort en ny symbol för radioaktiv strålning.

Man får liksom en känsla av att de gjort symbolen eftersom de inser att de inte kommer att klara att hålla efter spridningen av kärnvapen. Man kan riktigt se ett möte framför sig:

-Eh, det går inte så bra med att stoppa Iran.
- Så att...?
- Japp, rädd för det..
- (Gestikulerar med händerna) Pooof!
-Okej, hur tacklar vi det här? Hot om åtgärder?
- Nja vi har lite mindre utrymme än så att jobba på.
- Vad blir det då?
-Vi tänkte att man kan ha en liten..
-En liten?
-En liten..
-En liten?
-..symbol... att det är ganska farligt...

Who says the United Nations can't get things done? The U.N.'s International Atomic Energy Agency—that's the body in a slow-motion confrontation with Iran—has just come out with a new radiation symbol. It seems the old symbol just wasn't scary enough.

Läs mer: The international symbol for panic | FP Passport

Länk - Personlighet kan ses i iris?

published Feb 22, 2007 08:31   by admin ( last modified Feb 22, 2007 08:31 )
En del gener påverkar förmodligen både inre egenskaper ( t ex hjärnan) och yttre. Kan iris vara ett sådant ställe?

Larsson found that 'crypts' were significantly associated with five personality characteristics (Feelings, Tendermindedness, Warmth, Trust and Positive Emotions) whereas 'contraction furrows' were associated with Impulsiveness. I can't say I'm entirely clear what 'crypts' and 'contraction furrows' look like, but there's a description on Wikipedia and you can click here to see the diagram from Larsson's paper in a popup window. If it comes as a surprise that the same gene could influence both the eye and brain development, it's actually not that strange an idea based on what we already know.

Läs mer: Mind Hacks: The iris is the window to the soul

Länk - Alkoholism, hjärnstorlek och släktminne?

published Feb 22, 2007 08:31   by admin ( last modified Feb 22, 2007 08:31 )
Many studies have shown that alcohol-dependent men and women have smaller brain volumes than non-alcohol-dependent individuals. It is widely believed that this is due to the toxic effects of ethanol, which causes the alcoholic’s brain to shrink with aging to a greater extent than the non-alcoholic’s. “Our study is the first to demonstrate that brain size among alcohol-dependent individuals with a family history of alcoholism is reduced even before the onset of alcohol dependence,” explains first author Jodi Gilman

Läs mer: Reduced Brain Growth in Alcoholics with Family Drinking History | Science Blog