(uppdaterad 17:29)
Den fransk-judiske filmaren Pierre
har gjort en dokumentär om (misslyckade) självmordsbombare som sitter i israeliska fängelser. Filmen heter "Suicide killers". Rehov menar att ett komplicerat förhållande till sexualitet är den största drivkraften bakom dessa destruktiva händelser.
Jag kan inte hålla med honom helt. Jag tror att det är en viktig del av den bakomliggande frustrationen, men man kan inte hävda att allt är sexualitet. Psykologiska termer är så oklart definierade att det är svårt att bygga på dem.
Hursomhelst, från intervjun.:
A: Every single one of them [självmordsbombare]tried to convince me it was the right thing to
do for moralistic reasons. These aren't kids who want to do evil. These are
kids who want to do good. If they'd been raised in a different world, with
different moral values, they would have been just great kids. This is what
struck me the most: The result of this brainwashing was kids who were very good
people deep inside (were) believing so much that they were doing something
Every one of them said that all our behaviors on Earth are impure, and
they were trying to reach purity. They said they were "invaded" by Israeli
culture. When they turn on the television, they see half-naked dancers. They
were offended by that. They wanted me to understand that all this was forbidden
on Earth, but if you did something great for God -- like blowing yourself up
and killing a bunch of innocent Israelis because they are Jews and don't
believe the same thing you believe -- you end up being forgiven for all of
your sins and will go to heaven and find 72 virgins waiting for you.
Q: Doesn't your film overemphasize the role of religion in the lives of
these suicide bombers? Aren't they more motivated by the harsh conditions in
the Palestinian territories and feelings of revenge and helplessness? An
Israeli study of Palestinian suicide bombers from 2003 says religious
fanaticism is just one of many factors.
A: It's obviously much more complicated than just to say, "They do it
because the next minute they wake up in heaven and 72 virgins take care of
them." But my theory applies to Palestinians as well as al Qaeda terrorists,
who were in strip clubs the night before they blew up the World Trade Center.
It can also apply to a kid from London who's in a very religious family but yet
lives in a city where everything is possible and open to him.
Jag har ju
tidigare funderat på det där med islamism och sexualitet.
Anledningen är ju att desparata handlingar kräver starka drivkrafter. Jag tror i alla fall att den kan var en del av drivkraften. Jag vet inte svaret, men frågan är värd att diskutera. Jag tror att det finns andra drivkrafter, som att vilja göra något absolut rätt (fast det blir absolut fel), och att gå upp i en gemenskap totalt. Kanske man kan säga att det är en knippe livsinstinkter (där sexualitet finns representerat) som konspirerar.